Chapter 13

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**A/N- real quick before we start I wanna shout out this amazing seller who designs and makes these stickers! They are so amazing and they have a lot of one Piece characters. I think biddie is an acronym for boy tiddies. I came across their Etsy shop and immediately bought some and they even do commissions if you ask for a particular character. I asked for the two Kid and Killer and they're amazing. If you're into one piece, definitely check them out:)******


Today was your last day before you had to go back to work and start your new position. You hoped you wouldn't get lost since you've only been in the new building from that injury, and hadn't really toured the facility.

You were currently with Marco holding a Dutch beverage.

"So who was that guy?" You looked up to Marco. He seemed to know the guy as he spoke with a vague familiarity.

"He's.. from a rival company. A similar business to Pops." He explained with slight hesitation.

Oh. So that's what is was. But what was he going on about a blond man? You hoped Killer was okay. He left abruptly. Maybe it was something you said.

"Hey are you sure your okay?" Marco pulled you from your thoughts.

He had his arm around your waist stopping you in your tracks. There was a pole in front of you.

You almost ran into a pole from all your side thinking.

"Yeah. I'm good." You sweatdrop.

His touch was firm, and hard. You knew he was muscular but when did he feel so different. Maybe he was just familiar now. You were used to Marco's clingy tendencies. But his touch no longer sparked, there was no electricity. You didn't get jittery from how close he was or blush from his proximity. Strange. You were sure he was still attractive. His hair seemed a little bit too short, and his eyes didn't glimmer in the sun's reflection anymore. Did you no longer like him? Was he looking different because he, no it's not possible. Blonds were still your preference.

So why?

Maybe your tastes have changed.

You and Marco had hung out all day. Time seemed to move forward at a fast pace, but you were still going in slow motion. Everything had come to your life just as they had been previously. So why did something feel so out of place? Like it was missing from you.

It had been a month in its passing.

Work started as normal. Marco gave you the whole tour and stayed with you most days as he trained you in his old position. He had been moved up to first rank. You were basically his assistant. But time moved forward.

And you hadn't seen Killer.

You missed him. In the short amount of time that you knew him. You would text him, but he wouldn't reply. You would look for him in the streets, in your usual spots. You would even look to the alleyway, incase he would just pop up and you would see him there.

Maybe he would be the one who got away.

Killer pov.

After that encounter with Y/n and Marco, I couldn't bring myself to talk to Y/n. I restrained myself from looking for her, from seeing her.

I should wipe her from my memory.

I can't get involved.

I shouldn't get involved.

I'm too dangerous. She would be in constant terror. The way she looked at Kid. There's no way she would want that. To fear being alive. With all my enemies targeting her. What if I couldn't get to her in time. To save her. I would be her damnation.

I won't get involved.

She's already crept into my heart like a leach. Draining me of my will power and call to mind.

As days pass my mind withers. She constantly pops up in my dreams. Like an ongoing loop I find myself trapped in and unable to escape. I see her everywhere. Like a bad hallucination, she flys to my mind with every person I see. Her scent forever forged in my brain, I keep smelling her with every step. Her voice like silk etched into the corners of my head, with every sound I still hear her. She haunts me. Her memory is all I have left to grasp on to. I can't let it go. It won't go away. Like a song on repeat. I'm already so far gone, yet I can't go any further. Cause if I do. There's no telling what would come of it.

And I will not let her be apart of a future I cannot be certain of.

My head once empty, is filled with her every being. And it's driving me insane.

But I know I made the right choice. I had to of. This is for the best. I would be in trouble if anyone found out I had a connection with her. Not to mention her dad would forbid it. Cause who would ever want me for their daughter.

I'm okay with a memory.

I walk out late at night. The trees sway as winter approaches. Summer is gone. Almost every leaf has shed from every branch. And the night is so cold, the air thickens with each exhale. I'm so tired I sit on a bench.

So lost in thought I don't even know where I wandered.

I look around, and the flowers are so familiar.

It's where we first sat. In this garden of ours. Now only ours in a memory.

Then I see her.

She's as beautiful as I can remember. Eyes twinkling like fallen stars. Breath small and cute like she had been panting. Lips like cherries. And big watery tears falling fast against her soft cheeks.


I've never hallucinated her tears before. She would always be smiling that bright smile.

I rub my eyes. I must be worn out and too tired to see properly.

As I look back up she's running towards me. This can't be real. Why would she be out this late at night? And why is she coming closer.

I stand up in slight surprise, only to be tackled back down onto the bench.

The slam was enough of a push to let me know I wasn't dreaming. And she was really crying into my arms. The sensation of her touch. The tingles of her hair brushing against my cheek. She was real. And I was at a loss of words.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now