Chapter 9

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Killer PoV

Tsk. There goes all my money..

Wire smiles mischievously as he clears the table of it's precious possessions in one swift motion.

After pocketing the money he pulls out his phone and starts typing away at it. The buttons leaving behind a small click with each press. His face lights up when a high screeching ding notifies him of a reply.

You could tell Heat was beyond furious as he glared at the man. Him not even paying attention to the death threats being aimed at his head.

I sighed.

I wish I could text her.

Butterflies invaded being and I felt my face become hot.

I could text her. I had her number.

I pulled my phone out and looked at her saved contact name. Beautiful is what I wrote for her. I didn't know of any other way to describe her. She was magnificent and stunning. Her eyes shined as bright as the sun. When she was there, no other star was noticed. Swept away and under a rug from her overwhelming light.

And her skin so soft when we touched. Her silky hair fell through me like butter. I desired her warmth. Her comfort. I wanted to reach out and grasp her tightly in my own arms. Keeping her there like a caged animal whose light of day erased of ever coming out. I wanted her for myself. I needed her. Mine and mine alone.

I felt myself grow hard.

I can't.

I pushed back those dark thoughts.

I couldn't possibly think like that. Her smile shown brighter than any galaxy. There was no way I would ever want that to go away. Just imagining her tears made my head hurt with fog.

Thinking of her smile made me hate my own even more.

Who could ever love me.


How could she ever love me.

Seeing this face first hand. There's no way she would ever want to continue seeing it. My dull hair sharp and thick. It requires much more effort to penetrate the strands than any other hair. My eyes have lost their child like glow. Age has consumed them to blotches. Maybe I should just where a mask, and hide my disgusting face from the world. Save everyone the trouble of ever seeing it.

I sighed.

I put my phone away. Too disgruntled at myself for even thinking about texting her.

Kid pulled me from my mind.

"Hey. Now that we're broke let's go find more cash."

Why am I not surprised.

I guess money is essential, even though most everything we own has been stolen from someone else. We do buy food at least.

At least the ones people make for you.

And it's not like we're broke infinitely.

We store cash all over the floorboards and walls. Being a mafia group has its advantages. But Kid doesn't like to spew his money all over the place. It brings unwanted attention.

Best to stay criminals in the eyes of the public.

"Alright. Let's go." I replied.

We take our leave.

Remaining inconspicuous in the crowd, we pick our targets. Trafalgar Law is an obvious choice for Kid. The guy has a vengeful vendetta for what he did. I'm not too fond of him myself. The guy is a liar and a traitor. He works for the government like a dog on a leash.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now