Chapter 25

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Light seeped through the opened window as a cool breeze fluttered into the room; the wind discreetly moving the curtain out of its way from the force of it.

A light floral scent wafted in with the morning air, greeting me with the harsh impact of the sun.

I felt groggy, and drained of sleep. Moving to face away from the sun, pain shot through me like lightning. My hips ached with each tender movement, and my thighs felt tight and cramped.  My stomach hurt as I tried to curl into myself as an adverse reaction to the pain I was feeling.

"Hnn -" a small groan left my lips as the pain became like static all over my body.

Damn.. why was I in so much pain?

I didn't drink that much. Maybe two glasses of wine. Must have been some strong wine...

My head swirled. Deciding not to get out of bed I just continued to lay perfectly still, as to not agitate the sores coursing through me at the moment.

Suddenly however, I smelled something delicious. Bacon and eggs. I could almost hear the sizzling of them cooking.

No. Wait.

I could actually hear them.

Jumping up suddenly, I was again hit by the pain in my lower back and hips. Damn. I had forgotten about that momentarily.

Scooting myself over I noticed I was not wearing any clothes. And glancing over I saw clothes spewed about all over the floor.

A flashback of events from last night sprung at me and I instantly remembered what had happened last night. I could feel a red hue cover my face as I gushed in embarrassment. How could I forget?

I was so taken in by the alcohol, I had no qualms about anything. I became rather bold and ended up devouring the poor guy.

Speaking of.

Where is Killer?

As if on cue to my own thoughts, a thud sounded in the kitchen followed by a string of curses. It sounded like Killer had made use of my little kitchen again, and was causing messes.

I somehow managed to pull myself out of bed despite my body's constant persistence against the idea.

Going into my adjoined bathroom I looked myself over in the mirror. I was surprisingly clean. I wonder if Killer had something to do with that. Although large bruises had formed over my hips, most likely when Killer had grabbed me. I hadn't realized he was holding on so tight at the time, too consumed in bliss.

Other than that, there were no other marks.

I was slightly relieved, as I was wouldn't have to hide any marks from my coworkers.

Although, I still can get over what happened.. I was.. I was.. the dominant one...

So much for my previous fantasies for my first time.

I read too much..

But also. It was fun. And he was so cute. I can't help it. I wanna see more sides to him.

I have to work on my stamina.

Getting changed into something decent, I make my way to the kitchen.

Killer was wearing my pink frilly apron again, and was currently making waffles.

Marks littered his jawline, neck and most likely chest as well, but I couldn't see from where I was.  They were too obvious to cover up, but he also didn't bother doing so, proudly sporting them like triumph battle scars.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now