Chapter 5

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You just sat there eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. How long has the silence stretched? It felt like an eternity had passed, and yet only a few seconds at the same time.

Loosing confidence, the man frowns slightly. The smallest sigh reaches his lips. Disappointment? He's about to turn around to leave, taking your silence as 'leave me alone'. But just as the words blurt out of your mouth, he freezes, surprise covering his handsome face.

"It's you".

Killer POV~

What does she mean it's me? Does she remember me from the alley? It was so dark and she was loosing consciousness. There's no way she could have seen anything that would of allowed her to recognize me in broad daylight. Especially not with any of my boring traits. Or maybe she's seen me walking around, and now she's afraid of me. Disgusted just like everyone else.

"It's your eyes. I could recognize them anywhere." She explains, a light red dusting her delicate cheeks. My eyes? These boring, old, retched things. That's what she remembers? She must be joking.

"I don't think my eyes are anything to be remembered. You must-," I try to explain how she's got the wrong person but she cuts me off.

"That's not true!" She exclaims standing up to give herself more edge. I'm baffled. "That's not true. How could I not remember them? Your eyes. They're the most beautiful I've ever seen!" She exclaims with confidence dripping from her.

They're the most beautiful Ive ever seen

Most beautiful I've ever seen


Wha- what?

She thinks they're beautiful? MY eyes? My mind went into a haze. I felt light, butterflies swarmed the pit of my gut. I couldn't form any words as my head spinned. Loud thumps could be heard as I felt them against my ears. Was that my heart beating? My legs felt weak, like they weren't strong enough to hold myself up anymore and the would give in at any moment. The temperature increased dramatically and it felt like I was burning like the sun. What is this feeling? I suddenly have the urge to giggle like a school boy. No way in hell is that happening. I couldn't control a wide grin on my lips as I quickly hid my face between my hands. I feel drunk. Am I, blushing? With just one sentence she's got my head turned around and my heart racing. Just who is this woman before me?

Her eyes twinkle with determination. Bright and doe like. Her cute little nose scrunched in agitation, like she was angry at me for even considering anything other than the words she declared so certainly. Before I could faint on the spot, she patted a hand on the bench beside her as she sat back down. Without thinking twice, I immediately took the spot next to her, making sure to distance myself out of pure respect.

"I'm sorry about my outburst. You're face is red. I didn't upset you did I?" She asked me so innocently, her face sulked expecting my answer.

"Of course not!" I spoke a little too quickly. Her face widened. Shit. I cleared my throat and composed myself before speaking again. " I was just surprised. No one has ever said that to me before," I explain. It wasn't a complete lie. I was surprised at her sudden outburst. And Kidd has never said they looked 'beautiful', though I'm sure he thinks higher of them then I do. I just won't mention the part where I almost had a mini heart attack. Her words made me.... happy.

Relief washed over her face as she smiles brightly at me. It almost makes me want to mimic her actions. Her smile is so wholesome, no ill intentions behind it. She looks even more dazzling to look at.

"That's good. I was actually hoping to see you again." She says ever so casually. As if she was purposely toying with my heart. Not again.. my heart rate accelerates again but I manage to keep my composure this time. She wanted to see me again? Me of all people? I'm not as nearly as good looking as her boyfriend... She's getting my hopes up.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now