1. Bam

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Chapter 1

"Bam get back here!"

He never runs off like this, I quickly chase him down the street and around the corner nearly tripping over his leash that I still have in my hand. It was rare I had days off and all I wanted to do was take my sweet pup on a walk but instead he does this to me. Maybe this was his way of retaliating? I hadn't been home much nor have I stopped in to spend any time with him. I need to make that a priority again.

"Bam No! I'm so sorry"

I feel my face turn red when I see my oversized dog toppling a petite women, she only smiles and gets to her feet quickly "I'm so sorry I don't know what's come over him" I mumble again as I hook his leash. "Who are you?" I furrow my brows a bit confused as to why this woman would ask such a thing. Fuck hopefully she doesn't want to sue or something..."I'm really sorry I was going to take him out and I turned to shut my front door and he took off"

"That doesn't answer my question, you're not Bam's owner"

She quickly snatches his leash from me as I dumbly just look at her in disbelief meanwhile bam is just wagging his tail and sitting next to the woman. Was he really disowning me right now? And how was she so quick I barely felt her touch my hand when the leash was already in her grasp.

"Actually I am!"

I mumble quickly trying to snatch my dog back but she's rather quick and stealth like "No bam's owner is an older man, well actually now that I look at you, you do kind of look like him I suppose. Not as good looking but I guess I can see the resemblance. Bam do you know him?"

She was kidding right? She had to be, but foolishly I look at my dog with pleading eyes and thankfully Bam doesn't leave me left out to dry. He wags his tail and jumps at me making me chuckle and grab his paws. "He's my dog" I say again this time snatching the leash from her hand

"My father usually looks after him while I work"

My tone comes out a bit harsh but could you blame me? She did just try to take my dog from me...kind of. "Ah so your Mr. Jeon's ungrateful brat" I look at her with curious eyes which only makes her laugh what was with this woman?
"My words not his, he adores you for whatever reason but honestly you ask a lot of him in my opinion. He's older now, you should let him relax and enjoy his good years"

"Who the hell are you?"

I ask feeling my temper getting the best of me, she doesn't seem to care though as she reaches down and pets Bam all while making kissy faces at him. My trader of a dog just wags his tail and looks thrilled to get her attention again. "Tell Mr. Jeon I say hello and that I'm sorry I missed him, I'll bring coffee for him next time. Later bam be a good boy" with that being said she kisses my dog and then walks away completely ignoring me in the process, Bam even makes a whimpering noise as we both just stare at the woman and watch her slowly disappear from our vision.

"Who was that woman Bam? Hmm? You and appa keeping secrets?" he barks and wags his tail not that it tells me much. I shake my thoughts and whistle for bam to follow me through the park, not exactly the morning I had in mind.

Across the park I spot my best friend, we quickly make our way over to him before he makes a fool out of himself. The women he's trying to talk to looks annoyed and tired, he's a good looking guy he just lays it on a bit thick sometimes. "Jimin you made it" they both glance over and the women quickly takes this opportunity to escape from his stare. "Horrible timing as always" he sighs watching the woman gather her child and walk away.

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