11. Levi

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Chapter 11

"I'm sorry I lied to you, I did know who he was but...I didn't know he was dead. I didn't find out until you brought it up that night...I didn't know what to say I felt bad"

My lip quivers as I stare at Yoongi's apologetic face, Seokjin is still holding me to his chest and I can feel Hoseok a step behind him unsure of what to do. "I felt responsible somehow" yoongi confesses letting his hands fall from his neck, it's all red and you can faintly see my hand marks. He then wipes the blood from his nose with his shirt, it's a small puncture from my ring.

"How did you know him?"

Hoseok asks stepping closer to me now, his hand interlocks with my own as his thumb gently rubs the top of my hand. I'm still shaking with anger but the gesture was still nice.

"He used to hang around the basketball courts where we'd play, he seemed like a loner so I offered to play one on one with him. I can tell it made his day, he just seemed...lonely"

I let a tear fall and feel my body start to shake against Seokjin's chest, I didn't care who seen me be this vulnerable and weak right now all I can think about is my brother. "After that I'd hang out with him at the courts every other weekend, we'd play a few games and he'd always talk about his big sister, I had no idea he was talking about you y/n I swear" More tears fall as Seokjin strokes my hair and tries to calm me down.

"He always talked highly about you but he missed you, he was a good kid y/n truly. I stupidly offered him a position at Namjoon's company to help him make some extra cash because he said you worked a lot to provide for him. I didn't think helping him out would result in him getting mixed up in all of this. I'm so sorry y/n...I should of told you I just didn't know how"

I can see Yoongi's own tears threatening to fall as he stares back at me with pleading eyes "Why didn't you say anything?" Jungkook asks his nose had stopped bleeding and he was standing close to Seokjin and me, he looked down at me with sad eyes and it pissed me off for whatever reason. I take a deep breath and bury my face into Seokjin's chest once more as yoongi speaks

"I don't know, I just felt like it was my fault that he got hurt. I was the one who introduced him to Manse, telling him to look out for Levi and look what happened. He was only sixteen" Yoongi's voice cracks as he wipes at his eyes, I'm still shaking as I listen to everything going on around me. With another deep breath I pull away and look up at Seokjin, he gentle wipes away my streaking make up and helps me look more presentable before I turn towards Yoongi. I take a deep breath before I meet his gaze.

"You should of fucking told me...but it wasn't your fault Yoongi it was mine. I should have looked after him better"

My voice cracks but I keep composed "I'm sorry for attacking you, just after hearing Jaehyun say you knew him triggered me. Don't you ever fucking lie to me again or I will put a bullet in your head" The room tensed up that much more but Yoongi nods his head, understanding just how serious I was. "I won't and I'm sorry truly" I turn towards Manse now who was quietly sitting in the corner of the room. It literally took everything in me not to just kill the mother fucker right here and now.

"As much as I want to kill you, I need you sense your friend can no longer give me Intel but trust me when I tell you your death will be slow and painful" I catch Hoseok's eyes

"You killed Jaehyun?"

I nod as I move to sit on the couch Namjoon had in his office. Everyone's eyes seemed to widen "That laptop is his, after he found out you fucked up once again he was going to blow the building up, you're welcome" I say leaning back and rubbing my temples. "Y/n you can't do shit like that without running it by us! What if you got hurt?"

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