22. Healing

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Chapter 22

Jungkook's pov

I felt sick to my stomach, she had been out for hours now and none of us knew if she would even make it back to us. Why the fuck did she have to do all this? I didn't want to lose her, even if she didn't want to pursue things with me I just wanted to be around and in her life. I feel my tears start to swell up again as I look at the ground, my chest felt so empty and yet I kept getting waves of pain like my heart was slowly dying and breaking apart. It seemed ridiculous to me that I even felt any of this, I barely knew the woman how can I be this in love with her?

"She'll be okay son"

I jump when I feel my father's touch on my back, he had gotten here twenty minutes ago, I can see he was just as worried as I was but he was trying to put on a brave face. "I can't lose her" I whisper, he nods and continues to pat my back

"You won't, what did I tell you about my sweet y/n huh? She's strong"

I nod before wiping my eyes and sitting back in my chair. I can see Hoseok and Seokjin sitting across from me both just as distressed as I was, even Seojoon looked a wreck but he kept on guard because despite everything that happened Jihyo insisted on staying with us until she knew y/n was okay.

It surprised us all and I wasn't sure what exactly happened but Jihyo had broken, she just looked terrified and hurt. She told us what happened and that y/n was the one who forced her to stab y/n in the abdomen and that Jihyo told y/n she didn't want to kill her anymore. I knew y/n was hurting and felt lost but I didn't know she felt this low about everything, I thought after she found her answers about her brother she'd be okay. Apparently we all were wrong.

"Who's here for y/n, l/n?"

It seemed like the whole waiting room stood up making the doctor step back a bit "Anyone family?" Again no one sits down but Hoseok and Seokjin step forward "We're her brothers" Seokjin says, the doctor nods and tells them to follow him. I felt even more panicked now, what if it was bad news? Why didn't he just tell us all?
"Relax Jungkookie, she'll be okay and I'm sure they'll come tell us what's up once they find out themselves"

I nod listening to Namjoon but I couldn't sit still, so I began to pace back and forth.


Hoseok's pov

My heart was racing as we walked with the doctor down the hall, I can hear him talking to Seokjin hyung but it's like I didn't understand his words. Almost like he was speaking a foreign language, I wasn't a very religious person but for the first time in my life I prayed out in that waiting room. I didn't care what it took I just wanted her back, even if that meant I had to give her up to someone else. I just wanted her alive and healthy again, to be able to see her beautiful smile and to hear her tease me and be a smart ass again.

"She's right in here, you are welcome to see her but she is a bit groggy and will need a lot of rest"

Seokjin hyung thanks the doctor as I ignore both and push through the door, It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest as soon as our eyes met. She half smiles as I quickly go to her side and start to cry

"No yelling? I must be dreaming still"

she mumbles, her voice a bit horse. I hear Seokjin hyung chuckle as he goes to her other side "I can yell at you later, I'm just glad you're okay you brat" I wipe my eyes and kiss her forehead before grabbing her hand and kissing that to. She smiles softly "Guess you can't get rid of me yet" I roll my eyes making her lightly laugh, or she tries to but she looks in pain.

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