18. Feelings

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Chapter 18

Jungkook's pov

Once we're home I carry y/n into the penthouse, it's really late and I was hoping my dad would be sleeping but to my utter disappointment him and Bam are awake and waiting up. He jumps up when he sees us walking in, his face drops when he sees y/n in my arms. I can't even look at him, Bam has his tail down and whimpers

"She's okay, just a few bruises and a possible broken rib"

I mumble, I had never seen this look on my dad's face, not in a long time anyways. I know exactly what was going through his mind, Hana. "I'm going to go lay her down Hoseok can you get the door" He nods and follows me. I'm not too sure what changed tonight but it was like we had some kind of gentlemen's agreement between us. We were able to put both of our bullshit aside and just come together for y/n.

I hated admitting to them how deeply I cared for her but I meant it, I had never seen y/n look so...lost? I'm not even sure if that's the right word, she just looked broken and not herself tonight. Seeing how badly it scared her two closest people made me just as terrified.  Hoseok pulls the blankets back as I gently place her down on the bed, she frowns and moves a bit before her eyes open.

"Are we home?"

She mumbles doing her best to sit up, I quickly move and try to help her. I can see Hoseok's fingers twitch in the corner of my eye "Yeah so relax, we should get someone to look at her" I say looking up at Hoseok, he nods

"Seokjin already called, they're on their way. Do you want help cleaning up Jagi?"

I look away, even though we were finally on the same page it still didn't make things like this any easier. "No I can do it, thank you both" I nod looking back at her "We will be in the living room if you need anything okay?" She nods as we both move towards the door, I wait a minute for Hoseok to leave first but he seems to be doing the same thing. So we both awkwardly move out the door together. He gently shuts the door before taking a deep breath "I'm just going to wait here a minute just in case she changes her mind" I nod leaving him by the door and facing the room full of people.

Sounded like the guys were trying to explain what had happened to my dad, he seemed pretty pissed off sitting on the couch. "We will make things right Mr. Jeon I promise." Namjoon says, bowing his head towards my father, he looks up at me with disappointing eyes. "Doctor is here" Seokjin says going towards the front door, an older woman comes back with him and gives us all a small smile before Seokjin leads her to y/n's room. I relax slightly now knowing that she has help, I catch my dads eyes once more and feel my stomach twist.

"I know appa, it will be taken care of soon enough and then this will all be over"

I mumble, he doesn't say anything only gets up and heads towards y/n's room with bam at his side. I sigh and sit down next to Jimin, he pats my leg as I close my eyes and let a few tears silently fall. I felt so tired and just overall shitty, I couldn't wrap my head around why y/n would let this happen either. We all knew what she was capable of and this just didn't seem like her, when I held her face earlier I can tell she was fighting every emotion she was feeling. That's why she refused to look at me, but I could feel it. As soon as her lip started quivering she bit it, she didn't want to be weak and I know that feeling all too well.

"You guys can get some sleep, wash up maybe eat a little something. Mr. Jeon said he made dinner."

Hoseok says, I open my eyes and wipe the dampness away quickly before looking over at him "What did the doctor say?" he sighs "She'll be okay, she did break a rib though. She's fixing her up now, Seokjin and Mr. Jeon are with her." I nod as the rest of the guys move towards the kitchen "Oh yeah and Namjoon, y/n wants you to reach out to Rue and make sure she is okay as well" He nods and grabs his phone, I get up and walk by Hoseok "Come on and eat, you know y/n will be mad if any of us skip meals" he nods a slight smile on his face before he follows me.

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