19. Safe

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Chapter 19

I wasn't exactly sure why but we were awkward for the first time, I couldn't shake the nervousness and I hated that. I can tell Jungkook felt the same way, his cheeks were flush and he kept saying sorry for every little thing it was quite annoying. But I was doing my best to ignore it and just enjoy the alone time with him, it's not like we ever got that.


I mumble, from the corner of my eye I can see Jungkook chewing on his bottom lip and nervously taking glances at me every few seconds. "We've fucked, you've seen me naked and I've seen you naked so why are you acting like this is some weird first date?" I say as I carefully turn towards him, his face is fully red now as his mouth hangs open unsure of what to really say. He looked pretty cute. "You're being just as awkward as me!" He finally protests making me chuckle, he smiles once he sees me laughing and finally relaxes.

"I don't know why I feel nervous, I know we've fucked and all that but I don't know...something just feels different, I can't explain it really"

I nod knowing what he's talking about before I slowly lay back into the cushions "it's because you like me" I smirk as he rolls his eyes and tries his best to not smile but the corners of his mouth are deceiving him. "I do not, I mean you're okay I guess but I don't like you like that. You were a good fuck but if anything I think you like me and that's why there is this weird tension" I chuckle at his fumbled fast words as he rolls his eyes and laughs a little. "You're so annoying" he mumbles as I move my legs to rest over his lap.

"What if I do like you?"

His head whips around so fast it made me dizzy as his eyes about double in size, I just laugh making him relax a bit and join in "I knew you did, just by the way you were moaning my name that night" his voice drops an octave making my insides tingle but I know better than to show my cards "oh Jungkook" I moan making his face turn red as he bites his lower lip, I smirk "It's easy to fake an orgasm baby boy" he rolls his eyes and looks away, though I lied. Nothing was fake about that night, I had never been fucked so good in my life but I'd never let him know that.

"As I've said you're annoying"

I cutely giggle as I move my leg and let his brush against his bulge, he groans and grabs my leg quickly to stop me. "Oops" I smirk as he cutely shakes his head and turns his attention back towards the tv. "Would it be such a bad thing if you or I possibly did like each other?" His eyes never leave the tv as he asks the question and starts to rub my feet.

I'm a bit surprised he even asked the question but I was sort of happy he did, I softly moan as his hands work the right spot on my heel. His eyes glance over at me as he does it again "Ahh" I breath once more making him bite at his lower lip once more "That feels nice" he softly smiles and continues to give me pleasure in a new way.

"You going to answer my question?"

I hum once more as I tilt my head to the side "You're dad would be all too thrilled if we liked each other" I chuckle an nod as I shut my eyes and enjoy the foot massage "Though it would be a waste to like me" I can feel him staring at me so I open my eyes and meet his gaze "why do you say that?" He asks the curiosity swimming in those beautiful eyes, I have to force myself to look away though.

"Because you deserve better believe it or not and your dad wants you to settle down and live a normal happy life. You can't have that with me"

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