23. Home

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Twenty three

The last seventy two hours felt like a dream, I couldn't wrap my head around Jihyo's actions. Why didn't she just kill me when she had the chance? She was never one to be forgiving so the sudden change didn't make sense to me. Though I guess I'm grateful, I know I've been reckless and causing more harm than anything for my boys. But at the time my actions seemed sensible, maybe I had become manic? Maybe I've lost myself?

To be honest I felt quite dumb, I didn't have answers for my actions at least not ones that anyone wanted to hear.

"You're awake"

I smile before turning my head and facing the man I had grown so fond of. I still hated myself for falling for him, and still tried my best to resist being overly lovey and trusting towards him. But he made it hard, as I've said I just felt safe in his arms. "Did you sleep okay?" He mumbles his soft lips brushing the side of my face "I guess so, where is everyone?" I was able to go home today and I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of this place. I hated hospitals.

"Most of the guys are at the house cleaning up and stuff, appa is cooking you a surprise dinner" he pauses and chuckles "I guess I kind of ruined that just act surprised okay?" I smile and nod as I watch his face closely, the thought of us being an actual item scared the crap out of me and I didn't like that so many people knew we were so close now. It made me vulnerable and him a target I would have to fix that.

"And I'm here with you, ready to take you home. I just didn't want to wake you, you looked peaceful"

I roll my eyes as I sit up, he's quick to help knowing I'm still in pain. This rib was going to be the death of me, the healing took way too long for my liking. "You should of woke me, let's get out of this shithole I'm hungry" I grin as I get to my feet and throw my hospital gown off. I smirk watching Jungkook's face turn crimson almost instantly

"hand me my bag will ya? Unless you prefer I walk out in my birthday suit"

it takes him a minute to gather himself "No one gets to see your birthday suit but me, got it?" He husks as he steps closer and hands me my bag. I raise my brow and chuckle "I'm the boss baby boy, remember that and besides" I grab the bag and begin to dress myself as he towards over me and watches my every move "we aren't together so technically I can show my birthday suit off whenever and to whoever I want" I can see the disappointment in his eyes before he rolls them and takes a step back.

My fingers twitching in the process wanting to reach out and grab him letting him know I'm just playing but I don't. I refrain from doing anything and just get dressed. I couldn't get any closer to him until I knew if things were safe, I'd have to have an actual sit down with not only Jihyo and Seojoon but with all the bosses for each district.


Hoseok's pov

Watching y/n eat and smile again made my heart ache, I was so grateful she was okay and safe again. But it still hurt seeing her being pulled away from me, though I can visibly see her trying to push Jungkook away since they've been home. She has her guard up again and is being weary, I don't blame her but I can see it's hurting the poor bastard. I'm not even sure why I feel bad for him to be honest but I do, as much as it pains me seeing them together I can see how happy it does make both of them.

I watch as she gets up and heads to her room, I can see Jungkook itching to follow her but he stays put and sulks over his plate of food. "Excuse me" I mumble getting up and following y/n instead, the conversation continues like nothing but I do hear that faint sigh as I walk further from the table. As I make my way to her room I take a deep breath, I know what I want to say but I don't know where her head is at she's been so quiet and distant the past few days.

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