8. Seokjin

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Chapter 8

Seokjin's pov

"She barely ate"

I glance over at Hoseok and see the worry written all over his face, he knows how she gets in situations like this and we both know the toll it takes on her. "She'll be okay, once this is all sorted" he nods and runs his fingers through his hair. "Did she at least take her medicine this morning?" I nod but honestly I wasn't sure, she usually takes care of that stuff on her own. "I'm going to the store, do you want anything?" I shake my head no as he gets up and heads out of the apartment.

"Everything okay?"

I look over at the younger man and nod, he seemed more invested within the last twenty four hours. I could tell him seeing y/n and his father having a genuine connection meant a great deal to him but he still felt cautious as he rightfully should. "Yeah he's just worried about y/n, but she will be okay" I smile and then get to my feet, looks like I was running solo on this little meeting.

"Okay so for the next forty eight hours we will have Jaehyun under surveillance, he's making some big deals this weekend. That we will need as much information on as possible. Y/n wants to interfere with these deals on Monday and have him out of business by that night. So Jimin if you don't mind I'd like for you to be on top of that surveillance with Hoseok once he gets his head out of his ass."

I take a breath and glance around the room, I've got their attention but I can tell they wanted more information. "Now the little documents that Hoseok and Yoongi took earlier play a key role in this take over" I turn towards Namjoon now, his curious eyes watch me closely. I can see his eyes scan me over more than once. He did it  earlier as well, no doubt he was checking me out but I wasn't sure yet if it was in the way I wanted him to.

"Manse has been using your company to launder Jaehyun's dirty money, I'm assuming you weren't aware of this"

All eyes are on him now as he looks at me with panic "Don't worry we had a feeling you didn't know Namjoon but luckily for you we have the proof now. But Manse is going to try and use this information tomorrow to take your little production down" You can see the sweat slowly forming on Namjoon's brow, he really had no idea this was going on and it was clear that everyone else in the room were in the same boat.

"Luckily for you I caught it and now we have the upper hand, y/n has it all sorted so nothing lands on any of you. We just need a few minor details about this weekend's deal to take it all down on Monday morning."

Namjoon gets up and extends his hand to me, I'm a bit taken back but end up shaking his hand anyways. He mumbles a thank you and takes a deep breath, I simply nod and enjoy the closeness of him for a split second. "So that's where we are at right now I'm sure y/n can tell you more later if you'd like but until then I say we get started. We'll have to stay here for the next two days though I hope that's okay" Yoongi and Taehyung nod

"Of course, might be a little tight but it should work"

I smile and thank them just as Hoseok walks in "Oh good, I'm going to run home and get us some clothes I already filled them in on everything so I need you to set Jimin up" He nods he looks a bit more together than when he left "Sure thing, I brought some snacks to so help yourself...um where can we set up?" Yoongi gets up and leads him and Jimin over to his office set up as I gather my things

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