12. Hana

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Chapter 12 Hana

I'm not sure why but I hugged him back, something about the hug just made me emotional and vulnerable. It was the weirdest sensation but I also felt somewhat closer to him on some strange level. I don't let it last long though, I pull away after just a few short seconds and he frowns. I take a step back as he takes a deep breath and looks at the necklace once more

"Hana was my sister"

I look at him surprised because in nowhere in our research did it show that Jungkook had any siblings and Mr. Jeon had never mentioned another kid amongst our talks. "We don't talk about her that's probably why my dad's never mentioned her"

I nod as he moves back over to the railing and leans against it, I take a seat on one of the lounge chairs and just stare at him. "I know your pain y/n, I went through it to. Hana was a bit younger than Levi though" he sighs and runs his tattooed fingers through his raven hair, the way the moonlight was hitting his face made him look quite handsome right now.

"What happened?"

I ask genuinely curious as to how Jaehyun played into all of this and why no one had mentioned her yet. "Look who doesn't have all the answers for a change" I roll my eyes at his playful tone, I was glad he wasn't completely down. He chuckles before moving towards me and throwing himself down on the lounger next to me. "Biologically she wasn't my fathers, though he never treated her different. In fact at times it felt like he loved her more than me, but I know my father has a lot of love in his heart." He sighs and rests his arms behind his head as he glances over at me, I shiver still feeling cold from the cool breeze.

"We should go to bed its late"

He moves to get up but I quickly push him back down and straddle his lap, he looks like a deer in headlights as I smirk down at his shocked expression. "Nope, you don't get to go anywhere until you tell me a little more" he does his best to compose himself as I settle onto his lap, raising a brow at the slight bulge I feel against my ass.

"Someone's excited"

He rolls his eyes and sits up a bit "Calm down it's my phone" he mumbles as if I can't see his phone laying on the side of his thigh tucked into his pocket. I simply chuckle and pat his chest "Continue ungrateful" He rolls his eyes but I can still see a hint of amusement in his face as he rests his hands on my waist

"You're so aggressive"

I laugh again as I stare him down, he ends up cracking a smile as well. He was quite cute sometimes "Why do you call me that?" I tilt my head to the side really observing every small detail of his face, he really was cute when he let his guard down. He had a boyish charm to him that came out every so often. Like right now, his big doe eyes are looking up at me as his lip pouts a little, I have to admit it made me feel something.

"Because you are, now stop changing the subject and spill"

I shiver again and he smiles before moving his hands from my waist up to my arms and gently sliding his hands up and down them in attempt to warm me up. It was a cute gesture and I oddly liked the contact of his skin on my own.

"Not much to tell, Hana was a good kid until she met Jaehyun. It was all downhill from there, he's the reason she isn't alive anymore. I tried to stop her but she thought she knew it all ya know? Still, I wish I would have done more...even if it made her hate me at least she'd still be around"

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