17. Empty

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Chapter 17

Taking a deep breath letting the musk filled air into my lungs, the faint smell of blood lingers in my nose as I smile. Everything had gone exactly the way I thought it would, Minho was in fact with Jihyo and they were more than happy to let me know about it. It saddened me to know Minho felt such feelings for me after our exchanges, but I expected it which is why I got close with Rue recently.

I knew she'd be an ally because of her and her brother's rough relationship, she hated him and their father for pushing her mother out of the family. Leaving her with close to nothing just because she wanted to leave the unhappy marriage, Minho was so far up his dad's ass at the time he didn't even acknowledge his own mother. Rue hated him for it and that was my ticket into friendship.

I didn't necessarily plan on getting caught in this situation but I did however confirm a few important things, I know the boys would be upset with me but they would forgive me in due time. They weren't going to be happy about the wounds I had received, but honestly as sick as it may seem it was a nice reminder that I was alive.

Jihyo only got more anger when I didn't fight back, I just took the beating with a smile on my face. It made her as well as Minho angry which only fueled my hatred for them and everyone else, I had somehow fallen into limbo. I hated this world and everyone in it half the time but I had felt something recently that reminded me of how good life can be when you let it.


I hated him for making me feel alive again, I had been numb and able to control my feelings for so long now and yet here he comes and rips all of that away from me. Not even Hoseok was able to do that for me. I take another deep breath and feel my rib throb, no doubt it's broken and for that I smile. Again the pain was reminder.

How the fuck did I get here?

I never used to be this heartless person...but this version of myself was easy. It was so much easier shutting the world out and just doing what I do best, hurting people. I hated myself for opening up in the slightest and letting all these new people in...It was hard enough protecting my two boys and now...well not I had added six new hearts to protect in this clusterfuck of a life I've built for myself.

I'd have to finish the job and set them all free, my selfish ways had to stop. Even Hoseok and Seokjin...as hard as that may be I'd have to cut ties and let it be known around the city that they were no longer connected to me. That way no one would go after them and they can live happily for a change, it's the only thing I want for them in the end. I'd happily accept my fate from that point on, this would be my new goal once I'm free of this place. I'll set things straight for all of my hearts.


I look up and see Rue's face, she looks terrified "You made it, I knew you would" I smile as she quickly shuts the door and rushes over to me "Fuck...did Minho? Or Jihyo?" I chuckle as she works to get my hands free "It was a couples effort, but I'm fine"

I can feel her hands trembling against my own as my wrists work to be free "I'm so sorry I didn't show sooner" I smile towards her "Don't be, you did good Rue. My boys?" my wrists become free a second later, I roll them a bit before I start to untie my feet "They're here, I told them to wait outside unless they heard anything"

I chuckle once my feet are free, Rue helps me stand a moment later "They'll be here any second I'm sure" she looks at me a bit shocked as she looks around for a cloth. "I'm fine really" I smile as I rip the bottom of my shirt. She frowns and takes the material from me and starts to wipe some of the blood off my face

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