20. Plans

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Chapter 20

The next day I found myself restless, I couldn't shut my brain off. All I wanted to do was make things right and put an end to this all so I can just disappear, though all the boys were being so over protective about me. I had to force them to give me details last night about what they found out, which wasn't much so I'd have to go out and do my own intel.

It's quite early and I doubt any of the boys are awake yet, so this would be my only chance. I quickly get ready and wrap my rib as best I could before I sneak out into the living room, thankfully it's quite still. Taking a deep breath I make a run for the front door "Where are you going?" I stop in my tracks and frown as I turn towards the voice

"I just need some fresh air"

Yoongi shakes his head as he gets up from the couch "Nice try y/n" he whispers as he walks up to me "I'm doing this alone, if you wake the boys now it will only set us back. I will be careful I promise" I can see his eyes wavering his options

"Let me come with"

"No, I need you here with the boys"

He chuckles as he starts to put on his shoes "Yoongi no" I say again "Either I go with you now or I wake everyone up and let them know you're trying to sneak out. Which will only lead to more babysitting" He was right, if they boys found out now no way would I be left alone. "If you come I'm in charge and you listen to me no matter what" He opens the front door and smiles "Lead the way" I frown as I exit first, I'd let him think he is coming but I can easily lose him. "Take me to Minho first" Yoongi nods as we head towards the parking garage.


Jungkook's pov

"This isn't funny, where are they and why isn't hyung picking up? How the fuck did no one hear them leave last night"

I felt so pissed off but mostly scared, the last time we didn't know where y/n was she got kidnapped and beat to a pulp. We needed to find her, now. "If hyung is with her I'm sure they are both fine kookie. You know he won't let anything happen to her" Namjoon says trying to calm me, I nod but I don't feel any better. She was still hurt, she shouldn't be out there right now, she should be here with me. I glance over at Hoseok who hasn't said anything all morning, he's just been sitting there zoned out like a zombie.


I say bumping his shoulder "You don't know anything do you?" He looks at me and shakes his head no before zoning out again. I don't know what his problem is.

"Leave him, he's dealing with things in his own way"

Seokjin mumbles as he types away at his laptop, a second later Jimin and Taehyung come in through the front door "Minho is gone, so they defiantly were there. Only me and hyung new the location of him" Taehyung says

"She's going to finish things on her own"

We all look at zombie boy as he speaks "What do you mean?" I ask as he snaps out of his trance, though he doesn't look at me. Instead he looks over at Seokjin hyung "She's leaving us" Seokjin mumbles back, both their eyes instantly get watery as they silently stare each other down. "What are you two talking about?" I ask getting more annoyed by the second

"Yeah, mind filling us in?"

Jimin huffs, clearly everyone was more attached to this woman than I had ever realized. It's amazing considering we hadn't been around each other for very long.

"I could feel it, lately she's been so distant and hasn't been keeping us in the loop with her plans. She's mentioned it in passing a few months ago, right after Levi died"

Hoseok mumbles finally looking away from Seokjin hyung and looking at his hands now "'After I get my answers I'll do right by you both, you won't have to worry about a thing' that's what she told us" Seokjin says still looking at Hoseok. "I don't get it? So now that she knows what happened to her brother she's just going to disappear?"

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