30. Home

685 30 10

Chapter 30

One year later

"Bam! Get back here!"

Aish this dog is going to be the death of me one day, I quickly lock my front door and take off after him. I didn't have time for this today, I barely had time to take him on a walk and here he is causing trouble. "Bam!" I shout again as I sprint towards the park, i was supposed to be picking up y/n today. It had been far too long since we seen each other. She had kept her promise and kept in touch and even surprised me with a visit here and there.

But still it just wasn't enough, saying goodbye to her just got harder and harder. Even hanging up the phone felt dreadful, I know I'm being dramatic but I just didn't feel right without her by my side. At least I wasn't the only one though, while the other boys indulged in their new freedom over the year me and Namjoon stayed busy with work. And if it wasn't work we stayed home or would mope around together over a drink. He was just as love sick as I was though he got to visit Seokjin more than I got to see y/n. Lucky bastard.

Turns out they finished early but had been asked to do one other job, apparently the money was just too good to turn down so that's why they had been gone an extra five months. I hated it but I understood it. They were setting themselves up for the long run, though I promised y/n over and over again that I'd take care of her money was never an issue.

I sigh when I see Bam toppling down some small woman "I'm so sorry" I say as I run up to them, my heart all but stops when the woman smirks up at me

"well this seems familiar"

I don't even hesitate as I dive towards her and wrap her in my arms. We must look ridiculous laying on the ground while this oversized dog barks and wags his tail at us. But honestly I didn't care my woman was home and that was all that mattered

"How? Wha- I thought"

I can't even form a sentence as I kiss her face and neck all over the place. She giggles and grabs my face "I wanted to surprise you" she smiles, I felt lightheaded just looking at her. My eyes seemed to get glossy too, she was just so beautiful and I couldn't even begin to explain how happy I was to have her back in my arms.

I lean in and kiss her, her soft plush lips fit perfectly against my own as her arms wrap around my neck to deepen our tender kiss. I slip my tongue into her mouth and can't help but moan at the taste, it had been way too long now. She tugs my hair as Bam barks again startling the two of us. I pull back a bit flustered as two mothers pass by us with their babbling children. I slightly bow my head as an apology, they just smile as we get to our feet.

"How was my baby while I was away?"

Y/n coos as she pets and kisses Bam, I felt slightly jealous which was ridiculous but I needed all her attention. "Yah what about me? And when did you change your hair?" She smirks as she pats Bams side

"Appa is still needy I see"

I blush a little at her words making her cutely giggle again "do you not like it? I can change it back" I smile and shake my head as she nervously bites her lower lip and runs her fingers through her light hair. "I love it, you always looks so beautiful baby girl" I mumble pulling her back into me, I can see the tiny goosebumps form all over her body at my touch.

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