24. Meet

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Chapter 24

* keep in mind when reading this chapter I just picked random names I liked lol. But if you have an idol or face in mind when reading the chapter then cool <3

"Where do you think you're going?"

I sigh before turning around and facing Seokjin, it was like I was on house arrest. The boys took turns watching me and not letting me out of their sight apparently. "I have a meeting to attend" he rolls his eyes "no you don't, the business has been on a hiatus since everything happened" it had been a week already and honestly I felt fine, I just wanted to get back to our normal but the boys were making that hard to do.

"Well that's nice and all but I'm fine plus I arranged with Seojoon to escort me to the meeting"

His eyes get a little wider as the words fall from my lips "You arranged a meeting? I thought we talked about this? You'd do it after you were 100% and me and Hoseok would be with you" I frown seeing the disappointment in his eyes

"Seokjinnie I'm okay, and I know you and Hoseok wasn't to be involved to protect me but I can't let you. I need to do this alone and if you guys show up with me it will just confirm that we are in fact a team"

sure we were the best in the business and a lot of people used our services but we never made contact or met in person unless I said so. The only ones who really new who we are were Seojoon, Namjoon and Jihyo's family. Every other person in charge has used us but never met us. There were rumors of course as to who was on the team but nothing was ever confirmed. But they weren't all dumb they'd find out eventually if they wanted. But most of them liked not knowing who we were, the less they new the better.

"Why do you have to be so reckless all the time?"

I smile before I walk towards him and wiggle my way into his embrace, he sighs and caves almost instantly. "I won't do anything stupid I just need to feel things out I guess" he hugs me a bit tighter making me whine and him chuckle, the jerk.

"That's what you get for being a brat"

I laugh a little before he kisses my forehead "I know everyone will be mad but just trust me and try to cover for me. I'll try not to be gone for too long" he rolls his eyes and opens the front door "I'm walking you to the car, if Seojoon is picking you up then I need to see it and have a word with him"

"Okay dad"

He flicks my forehead this time as we both walk out of the apartment. I wasn't lying but I understood why he needed to make this a big thing. Seojoon smiles when we come into view, he quickly gets out of the car and embraces us both. "I knew you couldn't sneak past him" I roll my eyes as they both laugh at me "Promise you'll keep her safe, don't let her do any more stupid shit. I shouldn't even let her go with you after what you pulled" Seokjinnie was still a little upset that Seojoon lied to them in order to help me with my plan.

"Yeah yeah I know, but soon you'll forgive me. Plus your one to talk you never go against y/n either"

I smirk as they both roll their eyes at me "okay we will be safe now move along or we will be late" I mumble pushing Seokjinnie just a bit, Seojoon opens my door as I quickly get in the black sleek car. "I'll protect her and bring her home safely, I promise oh and say hi to Namjoon for me" I chuckle as Seokjin's face turns red his eyes quickly glare over at me "I didn't say anything!" Seojoon chuckles before shutting my door and getting in the driver seat once more. I blow Seokjinnie a kiss right before we take off.

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