4. Y/N

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Chapter 4

Jungkook's pov

"Just listen please"

"I'm the adult you know, I don't have to listen to you"

I groan as my father fights back, I wanted him to stay away from Namjoon until I knew what was going on but my father was stubborn. I hated that I felt like I couldn't trust Namjoon, he was like my older brother. We grew up together, his father was best friends with my own father, they were family. So I just couldn't wrap my head around why he would lie about anything to me or the guys.

"Well where are you?"

I hear bam bark and my appa chuckling "We're heading to the park like we always do" I quickly grab my keys and head out of Yoongi and Taehyung's apartment. I can see them jump up but I'm already too far ahead of them. "Appa wait for me, don't go to the park without me please" He chuckles again

"Why are you so interested in what I'm doing son? I'm meeting my friend I haven't seen her in a few days plus I'm already here"

I groan again as I see that crazy ass woman come to mind. "I brought coffee" I hear, my heart accelerates as I step on the gas and race towards the park by my house. Luckily Yoongi and them don't live far from me maybe five minutes.

"Ah y/n you're too sweet. I have to go son bye"

He actually hangs up on me. I toss my phone aside and groan once I hit a red light, Y/n was her name? That sounded too sweet to be her name, maybe it was another woman? I can't even convince myself of this because I heard her damn voice, it was defiantly her. Or maybe she gave him a fake name?

Finally the light turns green and I take off I'm only two streets away, I quickly make a right and then a left and I hit another red light though I can finally see my Dad. I grip the steering wheel a bit tighter as I watch him laughing with the woman who killed my fiancé last night. Bam is wagging his tail and looking up at the woman, she smiles and throws his toy and then looks back at my Dad and begins to talk again.

It's odd but in this light she looks like a normal woman, the way she looks at my father is nothing but pure respect. It's weird to me, last night she looked like some crazed villain or at least that's how I played it out in my mind. So much had went on I honestly couldn't remember what she really looked like. Aside from when she called me handsomer than Jaehyun, I'm not sure why but that caught me the most off guard. She gave me this soft smile with her eyes that made me feel flustered in a sense. I hated it.

"Move it!"

A honk gets blared at me from behind, I had forgotten where I was for a moment. I quickly take off and find parking so I can go see what this was really about. As I approach the two I can hear their laughter dying down, I lock eyes with this y/n person and she smiles. I want to be annoyed or even creeped out but she just looked so...normal?

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you I was busy?"

I roll my eyes as my father chuckles and looks back at the woman "Y/n, this is my son. The one I've been telling you about" She continues to smile and extends her hand to me as if she's never seen or met me before "Nice to finally meet you" I'm a bit taken back but I shake her hand nonetheless

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