29. Deal

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Chapter 29

Hoseok's pov

As we enter Seojoon's building I can already see this going south fast because Hyung is so bent out of shape. He cursed and ranted the whole drive about how he wants to kill Seojoon for putting y/n in this position. Knowing damn well it was y/n who did this to herself all along. I think he was more angry at himself for not seeing things clearly, he let a lot of little things y/n did fly over his head because he was fixated on Namjoon.

I understood his anger because I felt it too, I stepped back from y/n and if anything it probably made things a lot harder for her. We were her two outlets and we both took a backseat the last month or so. I honestly blamed myself for her almost dying. Even though she'd kill me for saying that, it was still how I felt.

"You really need to relax let me handle this"

I mumble pushing Seokjin back just a bit as Namjoon grabs his hand. "We're here to see Seojoon" the front desk girl types away at her keyboard but I catch her stealing glances at me. I charmingly smile as she blushes, she was rather cute but that was the furthest thing from my mind these days. "What's the name?" She asks "Hoseok, Jung Hoseok" I smile she blushes once more and begins to type.

"Oh, looks like you are in the system. You can go on up. Here are your visitor passes I just need you each to sign in and he'll be ready for you" I flash her another charming smile as we all sign in and take the dumb badges "thanks doll face"

I can hear Seokjin tsk as Namjoon pushes him towards the elevator. Jungkook chuckles and bumps my side as we both get in behind them. "Did you do that?" He asks eyeing me, I nod making him smile wider

"I hacked into his system and scheduled us an appointment late last night. Well scheduled me an appointment I didn't know y/n would confess all that to you. I figured she's saved me countless times maybe I can save her" he nods as we continue to go up to the twenty seventh floor.

"Let me do the talking"

I mumble as I look back at Seokjin "I'm fine now I can talk" he grits back. I have to laugh a little because normally I'm the hot head and he has to be the level headed one.

The door dings and opens as we all pile out, another pretty Carmel skinned woman appears and flashes us her pearly whites. Now she was beautiful and A tad bit intimidating "right this way, Mr. Park is just finishing up a phone call" I nod again as the boys follow me. She leads us down a hall at the end are two huge black doors, the closer we get they slowly start to swing open exposing Seojoon sitting at his much too big desk. "Thank you" I smile as the beauty goes and heads back towards her desk area.

"So who hacked the system? Clearly I need to fire my guy"

I raise my hand as we all take a seat and the doors start to close on their own. "Well if you're looking for work you know where to find me. Where is y/n?"

"None of your concern. Now mind telling me how we fix that brats mistakes? What did you offer her? Tell her? Because clearly the brat wasn't thinking straight when she made this deal"

Namjoon sighs and grabs hold of Seokjin's hand "Sorry about him" he mumbles. Seojoon chuckles "Do you even know the details? Or just that a deal was made? Though I'll agree with you Jin I don't think she was thinking when she made the deal because I know she's much smarter than the deal she offered."

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