Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Olive's POV

I sit in a cafe, waiting for Magnus to appear.

My glamour for Kylie is off.
So people have definitely looked at me as if I were crazy.
The store bell clangs as it opens.

A man with bright yellow eyes and a caramel skin tone appears.
I look up to catch his eye.

Magnus smiles.
"Oh, Olive, it's been a long time. How's immortality?"

"Immortality is amazing as always," I reply. "I have a few questions for you."
Magnus sits down, in front of me.
I hand him a bag of money, and he shakes his head.

"I don't do that anymore. Alec and my boys changed me."
I retrieve my money back, and nod.
"The Shadowhunters have changed me too."

I weave a changing spell so the Mundanes cannot see me, and change into Kylie.
Magnus's eyes widen, his cat eyes making the pupils a little creepy.

"Are you able to weild the weapons too?"
I nod.
"And can use the spell on mundanes. Why are you so intrigued?"

"I cannot do the same magic as you, Olive. This passes my knowledge entirely."
My mouth forms a O, and I change back into myself.

"What I asked you here for is similar to what you and Jocelyn Fairchild did to Clary. A blocking spell, but reverse."
He stills slightly.
"That was a very long time ago, Olive."

I nod.
"But, if you could just come back to the Los Angeles Institute with me, that would be great. Please."
He sighs but nods.
"Alright. Let's go."


I changed back into Kylie, and the two of us head into where Kahlen is laying down.
"There she is."

He walks over to her, and I stand next to Ahren.

"How's she doing?" I ask.
"Good," Ahren replies. "She seems perfectly fine. I just wish I could help."

I give them a side-armed hug.
"It'll get better soon. She's a trooper, Sanderson."
They nod, a faint smile appearing then disappearing.

"I can fix her," Magnus announces. "But it will take the herbs I have at home in Brooklyn."
"No, she can't leave without me with her," Ahren says. "I don't want her away from my sight."
Magnus stands and walks over to Ahren.

He places a hand on their shoulder.
"From father to another, please allow me to heal her within my apartment. My husband and two adult sons will be there too, to ensure her safety. Trust me."
Ahren nods.

A few strays tears slide down their face. 
Kahlen sits up shakily.
"I'll be okay dada."

Ahren rushes over to their daughter and gives her a big hug.
"Be safe my love."

"I will."

They let her go and Magnus creates a portal, taking the two of them away.
Ahren sniffles slightly.

"Come on, Sanderson. Let's go watch a movie."
They nod, grabbing Kahlen's bag of things and follows me out of the room.

We pass down the hall, seeing Lissa and Alessa trying out ASL to get another way for Alessa to speak.
John is in his room, reading a Sherlock Holmes book.

"Are they okay?" Ahren asks. "I've never lived with this many people before."
I nod.
"They're Shadowhunters, they know now to deal with this stuff."

They nod.
We reach the secluded living room, and I take in my surroundings.

It has two couches, and beanbag chairs around the room, along with a giant flatscreen tv in the middle.
Ahren whistles.

I nod.
I grab the remote and turn Netflix on, sitting down.
Ahren sits down next to me.

"Can I try something?" They ask, looking at me.
I watch them.
"Sure, as long as you aren't going to attack me."

They chuckle.
"No, because I'd probably be blasted with your magic."
I nod.
"Thats about right."

They chuckle, before moving closer to me.
I freeze, and they press their lips against mine.

He moves even closer, and I kiss them back.
We break apart, and I see a rush of blonde curls escaping the room.

What the hell?

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