Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
Raleigh's POV

The meeting of the Enclave is about to start.

Will helped us lock up Addison in the safest room until we were ready to time-travel home.
The Silent Brothers were in charge of her for the time being.

Everyone was sitting in the meeting room.
Will and his family, the Bridgestocks, Rosamund Wentworth, both sets of Lightwoods, the Carstairs, Fairchilds, and Grace with Tatiana Blackthorn.
Even Magnus showed up.

Antony snorted when he saw him come in.

Our group is sitting in the back near Anna.
Anna looks distressed.

"Welcome everyone," Will begins.

And that's where the yelling began.


Antony helps me with the lace of my dress.
I decided to go 'What the hell?' and wear a corset.

I was craving the need for a dress.
Plus, it was James & Cordelia's engagement party.

Tessa made the ballroom luxurious once again.
I'll have to tell her it looks nice.

"You look beautiful Mi Amor," Antony says.
I blush.

He flicks me at the lack of his mother's native language.
He starts to head to the door, but I grab his hand.

I'd have to tell him. Now.

"Kier- wait a moment- I have to ask you something."

He notices the tone of my voice change and sits next to me on our bed.
"What is it Ral?"

I breathe out.
"It's not bad... but..."

"Please don't say that you're breaking up with me," He interrupts.
"I'm not breaking up with you, you git."
He breathes out.

I gulp slightly.
"What I meant was... after we handle the Addison things in New York, I want to come back to the late 1800s. And stay there."

Antony doesn't respond for a minute.
I take a couple of breaths.


He nods, looking dazed.
"Yes, love?"

I flush slightly.
"Everything ok?"

He nods again.
He turns to me.
"I just need some time to process this, alright? I'm not angry."

I look at his face.
It's genuine.

I nod.

Our door bangs open.
Rosalie and Lucie stand there.

"Come on you lovers!" Rosalie says. "Will wants to dance with you, Ral."
I jump up, smoothing my blue dress down.

Antony takes my hand and we follow.

As the four of us walk into the ballroom, I notice Magnus making the music play on its own.
I giggle, despite everything.
Antony raises an eyebrow at that.

Alastair, Charles, and Cordelia are together.
Rose goes to greet the thieves with Adele and Ashton.

Lucie had wandered off.
Probably to find Jesse.

I kiss Antony softly, skipping off to go to Magnus.

His yellow cat eyes sweep over me as I walk over.
"Hello Herondale," He says. "Care to dance? I finally got Tessa's dreaded piano to play decent music."

I nod.
"A dance sounds lovely, Magnus."

He takes my hand, spinning me in a circle.

We dance for a bit, Magnus using his magic to trip up some of the party-goers I dislike. As does he.
It was hilarious.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see Will.
"May I?" He asks.

Magnus nods, bowing and walking off.
Will leads me into a simple dance.

"Oh, I missed this," I say.
"Missed what?" He replies, throwing his boyish grin at me.
"You, you git," I reply and he laughs.

I spin, my skirts flying. 
Will chuckles.

I don't know whether to tell him or not.
He should know.
Everyone should.

We dance some more before Cordelia walks back inside.
Will looks at me.

"May I go dance with my daughter-in-law?"
I nod.
"Of course, you can, have fun."

Will smiles, bowing and walking off.
Antony surprises me into a twirl, making me gasp.

He holds me close to his chest.
"I want to stay here with you. As long as tell the others when we get back."

My jaw drops.
He nods.

"I promise to tell them," I add, and he sways with me.

We dance until the last toast of the night, and I am super happy.

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