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A/B: Italicized words - mind link



"kealoha wake up! were going to grannies! come on!" my father screams on my head as i nearly drifted off to my sleep

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"kealoha wake up! were going to grannies! come on!" my father screams on my head as i nearly drifted off to my sleep. whats wrong this time?

moments later, i felt my father grabbed my shoulder and shook me awake.

"hon, grab a few days of clothes. were going to grannys. mommy has something to tell to granny personally. okay?" my dad told me via mind link.

"okay." i verbally answered him.

you might be wondering about this exchange. i cant hear anything. thats about it. grannys been so supportive since the day i could understand whats happening to me. thats when i was about 3 or 4, i think? he said that i could be able to hear soon. its always like that 'soon'. when is soon actually? its been 10 years since i was born and im still like this. due to my situation, i was home-schooled all my life. its not that bad like it sounds. i could 'hear' people through lip reading like normal people do hear them with sounds. it might not accurate sometimes when people do go 100 miles per hour but i could come up with an excuse that i couldnt understand them because they were too fast like normal people do.

no, im not sad. not one bit. my parents are ever so lenient and supportive of me. us being werewolves, thank the goddess, made it even more convenient. mind link and all. and us being related to granny was respected above all else. my parents never, i mean NEVER, made me feel like a burden or even disappointed that im like this.  i am loved and im thankful for it.

i was never hidden. the truth was, i was even presented to every feast, ball or in any event. theyre proud of me. my mom most especially. though hes human, my father loved him so much. my mom is his world. i can see it every time they hug each other. i may not be able to hear their exchange of love to each other but their loving touches and the way they look at each other made me feel like i want one too. someone who could love me the way i am past my defects and all. i know i will when the time comes like my mom said to me when we did that 'talk'. i cant wait to be 18 and meet him or her.

at the penthouse

at the penthouse

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