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When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me - M.I. by E.


355 years passed

"wow, great great great grandma really was an elf

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"wow, great great great grandma really was an elf. no wonder i got her hair and these eyes." said a soft voice in a busy cafe down a seaside boulevard. hes been on his tab ever since that morning reading his ancestors collective stories... well love stories, actually.

"yeah but dont forget youre a wolf too and its rather thick on you but feature wise, you really have the elf side

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"yeah but dont forget youre a wolf too and its rather thick on you but feature wise, you really have the elf side." she said as she sipped on her cold caramel macchiato.

"oh my god! you finally agreed to what i said. who are you? wheres my sister estelle?! what have you done with her?" he shook his 17 year old little sister.

"stop it, Latif! you know my ears will pop out if you shake me like that! ill tell mom on you!" estelle playfully punched his 19 year old brothers slim biceps.

"fine, fine. hey, stel?"


"were so lucky that our ancestors decided to free us from the chains of secrecy. i cant imagine how they usually hush themselves up in front of normal humans."

"yeah, theyll sure dissect us and experiment on us." she said sipping again on her drink.

"youre watching too much tv dramas again, arent you?" he said looking up after a bite of his strawberry shortcake.

"arent you both supposed to be at the banquet hall right now? you parents and relatives will hunt you down and you wont like it one bit when they did." a gentle voice startled both teenagers off their seats.

"grannie gulf! oh my goddess! well go, well go. geez!" both of them stormed off to the hotel a block away from where they were.

"hey, latif!"

"yeah?" the boy turned at his heels facing their grannie and was signaled with an index finger on his lips. he replied with a nod and continued on to catch up with his sister. but before they took a turn toward the hotel, he saw a man as tall as his father, hair as black, too, hugged his grannie and kissed on his forehead.

 but before they took a turn toward the hotel, he saw a man as tall as his father, hair as black, too, hugged his grannie and kissed on his forehead

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latif just smiled as he realized his ancestors paid a visit and it was them they chose to appear to. they could not linger in their presence since they are not supposed to be here as well. they could not meddle with humans anymore since their aunty goddess forbade them but from time to time, headsmacks were everywhere when theres a bad apple in the family. most of the times when theres a gathering like this, their presence was felt by everyone and thats enough reason to celebrate even more.

nowadays, the government recognized the supernaturals and given the fact that they are ruled by monarchy, they are now considered as a normal part of the society. they have their own laws and punishments. their uncle ethan was their eternal king together with his mates, his son prince arius governed the vampires and their other close relatives who mated to other supernaturals governed their own race. out of the originals only their uncle ethan remained as their direct ancestor. he was revered as such and respected anywhere. everyone stood at their toes whenever he was in the room. but as the door closed and only the royal family remain, he was always the same uncle ethan - mischevous and witty.

faces might change on the chairs as time passes by but what matters most was there is love in the family, mates was never deprived of their mates, tragedies are there but security and comfort are guaranteed in the end. they are free to do what they will without the depravity of another. everyone has a voice to justice and quarrels are a given but at least they are no longer been silenced.

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