14 captured

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a/n: spoken, mindlink, lipread


Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here,
But still you wake and know the truth -
No one's there. - M.L.B by E.


wednesday, the mates, the alphas and the kids as well as ethan and his mates gathered for a meeting. one by one, they greeted each other and kealoha prepared himself to catch up with what everyone is saying through lip reading.

 one by one, they greeted each other and kealoha prepared himself to catch up with what everyone is saying through lip reading

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"good morning everyone. its so nice to have everyone of you complete in this room. i miss this so much. everyone been too busy. anyway, i know i already emailed everyone that the gala is this saturday and had already prepared, maybe, your suits and dresses but ethan here had some instructions for security." gulf announced at the head of the table. on his right was his mate mew. on his left is alexander followed by his mate, muren, then his daughter, zita and son, kealoha with his pregnant mate liam at the end of the table. by mews right was nattasha with her mate, victoria, after her, was ethan followed by his two vampire mates cade and shane with their sons arius and ayberk at the end both facing liam.

ethan stood up being situated at the middle, he looked up at everyone at attention.

"thanks pa. so lets get to the point. im sorry natty but you have to change your outfit for the gala. pa, muren, liam, natty and vicky, zita as well should be in white for visibility and most importantly be in anything that you could run into."

"what?! like jumpsuits, you know i dont like those, e." natty yelled as if he was that far away.

"well, you should coz this gala is somewhat a trap we fabricated to catch someone. two of them actually. im sorry for bringing this to everyone but its a perfect opportunity that us in the gang could not pass up."

"are we talking about mallory and liams father?" kealoha uttered.

"unfortunately, yes. we had been hunting down every bases mallory had been putting up for the past few weeks but his wolf accomplice made our work a bit awry. since these people who are after our dear liam are no stranger to us now, they would probably appear at the gala civilized. why? they dont know liams connection to you, pa. or any of us for now. as we sent liam security that day that you both were at the mall, my men caught up with this two talking."

"why did you not capture them then?" zita although the youngest voiced out his question. gulf made it a rule that no matter how young a member of this family is, everyones support is necessary.

"too many humans are up and about and human authorities are a pain in the ass. though we can over-rule them by a flick of our finger, we would like to thread this quietly as possible. public crab mentality is a bitch, zita. remember that." ethan explained.

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