5 to life

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"Wake me up inside (save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up) Bid my blood to run (I can't wake up)
Before I come undone (save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become" - BMTL -E.



as my consciousness awakened me to another day of my daily torture, i dare not open my eyes and leave this delightful dream i am now having. the softness of the cloud-like pillow beneath my despicable face feels like heaven if heaven really feels like this. the warmth of the fabric that covers my body made me want to wiggle down to it as i inhaled the sweetest strawberries that i ever smelled. the caress that i feel now on my head wants me to be touched like this for the rest of my days in this painful world of mine. for me that felt the harshness of the past few days, this scenerio that is in my dreams regretfully is just that, a dream.

what would i give to have someone rescue me from this hell that my father put me in?

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what would i give to have someone rescue me from this hell that my father put me in?

"im here, love. youre okay." a voice said before me. i heard a bit of a rustle and an inhale beneath my ear. " i wont let anything bad happen to you ever again." the voice uttered. his voice is so silky it lulls me to a peace i never felt before. the soft touch that i knew was from him was so gentle, i could cry.

i slowly opened my eyes only to find a staring one. i was blinded a bit due to the blinding rays of the sun, i rarely see in my prison cell i call my room, but those rays doesnt faze me as i reached up to touch that angelic face. his eyes was so captivating i could look at them all day. his skin was so soft i could hardly believe it was a mans own. his hair, so fluffy and neat but i could not help but run my fingers through it. i was a bit startled as he hummed, closed his eyes and leaned on my frail hand.

i dont know if i could speak my voice out, it seems like eternity to me but i want him to know i am his

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i dont know if i could speak my voice out, it seems like eternity to me but i want him to know i am his.


i really tried. my voice wont come out due to the alpha command that i was beaten through to follow for years. i did not know when but his hand rubbed the side of my cheek to wipe my tear only to flinch a bit away. i do not know a kind touch. it feels so foreign to me yet i longed for it, wished for it. i was so thankful that he did not pursue to touch me again. my longing for his touch won over the fear of being struck as i reached for his retreating hand and rubbed them on my face as i leaned back again and closing my eyes savoring his warmth with his light chuckle.

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