4 saved me

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A/N: dear readers, as much as i want justice for liam as you do, i dont want to be reported and be taken down by wattpad because of what i had in mind for those who did the deed to liam. im seething in anger and frustration by what they did to him but please dont make me enumerate them and be taken down. i love writing and i love how you react to them through your votes and comments but please dont make me do something that could stop me from doing what i love. to be fair, i'll just tone it down a bit. lets just let go of soooooo much negativity and focus on the main couple.


"Without a soul,
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home."
-BMTL - E.



as much as i want to avenge my mate, i cannot take their life. it would be against my grannies belief of revenge just like what he did with grandpas flings before. this will be fun.

i saw my father across the field as two to three columns of maybe 50 men all lined up before them. beside my father was the bastard alpha who only satisfies his desires through the agony of another. ill show him what agony is. hell wish hell die instead.

behind me are 3 of my own personally chosen warriors. the other three established themselves around the field to control the crowd. 3 assassins are also in their positions in case of deserters.

when i reached my dad, he approved my request earlier and so does whatever will i do to my mates oppressors. i stood tall before the bastard and he just glowered at me as if i was the one who made the mistake.

"is this all?" i asked the alpha who is still standing tall beside me as i looked over his unmated warriors.

"yes, young master." i watched his gestures and all i can see is his nervousness and guilt but remorse? none of that. its as if what he did was all just normal for him.

i walked over to the lined up men before me and i started smelling them. truth is, this is awkward but for my mate? ill do anything. im still trembling in disgust and anger towards them even my father wont be able to handle me.

i scented 5 of them who has my mates scent so strong and fresh. 10 have faint ones and 5 other fading one. in a span of maybe a week 20 of them handled my mate.

20 strong alpha men doing it on a small omega in a span of a week!

i dont want to imagine them being in rut and eating my mate off of his life but... but his scent was all over them. i cannot get that fact out of my system.

my father maybe saw the rage in my eyes and pulled me back up front with the animal... no that would be a insult to all animals in this world. the parasite in front of me grinned as if he was relieved he was not chosen among his men.

"alpha leon?" i said as i shrugged my hand out of my fathers grasp.

"yes, young master? are they to your liking? are they to be transfered to your pack to be part of the elite warriors of the royals?" he said almost delighted about my chosen dirts.

"tell me alpha leon, why does my mates scent all over them?" my question snuffed the light out of his eyes and the smirk off of his face. i know what he saw. my eyes are starting to itch indicating my red eyes and my fangs starting to grow sharply. im a level headed person at most but when it comes to my family especially with MY MATE, damn! better hide your hide if you dont want your disgusting body to be shredded by a wolf like mine. my family's alpha lineage coming from my grandad do not tolerate disrespect. add to it my grannies goddess lineage, disrespect is a big NO NO.

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