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a/n: spoken, mindlink, lipread

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light,
It ends here tonight. - M.L.B by E.


nearly two month passed, liam was now enjoying his new role as model for keas company. he was allowed to be the face of the company but he was never to be in front of the media or to be offered shows. he was privately and exclusively their groups only. kea was way beyond thrilled when liam consented and that restriction was laid out by liam himself and he was none the wiser agreed to it.

nowadays, keas a bit disoriented. it seems his mindlink is messing up with him. by the end of liams heat, he did not comprehend how in the world he heard liam purr behind him. did he heard it through mind link? is liams happiness overflowing out to their mindlink that he might have heard it from there? all of this and his headache in the past few days is making him a bit agitated and overprotective of liam. that fright that he got when he woke up before, doesnt sit well with him. he felt as if this was all just the eye of the storm. be that as it may, his wolf cant bear to get his eyes off of his mate. he gravitates to him like he wasnt mated yet. employees after employees who approached his mate be that a wolf or not, he growls at them. liam already reprimanded him of his behavior but he cant help it. he wants to be with him... to protect him. from what? he doesnt know. mallorys and liams father is still off the grid as far as he know and his uncle ethans been too busy to contact him.

one fine morning at kealohas office, liam was too committed to read that 5 inch book again about a young orphaned boy with a noseless villain after him. he was so amused at the characters that kealoha looked up several times feeling what liams feeling at the moment.


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yes, love?

i have a shoot later at 1030, would you like to accompany me? you dont have any scheduled meetings at that time.

of course, ill be with you.

okay, thanks. im not still comfortable being with a bunch of people touching me and looking at me without you there. i think i cant really get over that fear, especially now.

hm? now?

mmm... never mind. grannie gulf said we will go out later this afternoon.

sure, go ahead. just dont leave his side, okay? you know how i worry about you.

thank you love . would you mind if we go now?

its still 930, love. you said it was at 1030.

yeah, but they need to dress and doll me up.

oh, yeah. i forgot. lets go.

at that, kealoha grabbed his discarded coat of his suit and let liam anchor his hand through keas hooked arm. together they went down to the 15th floor where their studios for ads and promotions take place. there they were greeted by the employed photographer who shook kelaoha hand and smiled at liam as was protocoled. they were ushered to liams personal dressing room where keas selected team of stylists and beauticians, all omegas by the way, was waiting for them.

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