3 save me

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"How can you see into my eyes, like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb" - B.M.T.L - E.



"dad!" i shouted through the mindlink as i saw my mate passed out on his bed.

"son?" my dad replied.

"my mate. hes the abused omega. hes scarred. hes been touched. my wolf wants to go on rampage dad but i need to secure him." i said frantically.

"bring him first in the car, son. ill distract the alpha. he wont get away from me." i know that hes already on edge like me but this tiny person in my arms right now is what making me tamed.

"yes, dad but i want retribution for this. the scent of my mate is fresh from some of the warriors i passed through." i told him as i was already outside the pack house going to our car. when i reached our car, a warrior of ours opened the rear side and we went inside.

"ill give you your satisfaction, son. just wait for a bit. wait for my signal."

"copy, dad."

im looking at my mate beside me. hes so skinny. so small to my 6'5" muscular frame. hes totally passed out in my lap with his face on my upper arm as i hugged him to me. he flinched as i touched his face.

"youre safe, my mate. youre safe. youre safe, dont worry." i rocked him back and forth like i did with my sister when she was just a baby.

" i rocked him back and forth like i did with my sister when she was just a baby

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as i rocked him, i saw him slowly opened his eyes. i was so startled to see his honey brown eyes full of weary and red rimmed but when he focused on me and stared into mine, he slowly raised his hand and caressed my face. although i cant hear him, i saw him mouthed mate and a tear flowed from his right eye. he slowely reached to my neck and hugged me. i felt his breath on my neck and i hugged him closer in response. hes an omega, alright, not because of his stature but of his scent. i dont know yet his story but i know within myself that whatever it is, ill seek revenge for him, no matter who it is. 2 minutes then passed, i felt his breathing even out. he passed out.


as i lay my head back down on my so called bed, i was expecting the guest to lay his hand on me and the pain that came with it but i felt myself being lifted and covered.

i know that he knew that im awake but i kept my eyes closed. i dont know where he would take me but

i dont care anymore

i dont want to think

all my hope was lost the day my father left me in this hellhole

all my trust was lost the day mama ade turned her back on me

all the feelings that i may have had before i was confined in that prison i call as my bedroom was washed away by the cold splash of bath i got after that demon of an alpha molested me when i was young

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