17 blind

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Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down - H. by E.


the cry of his first born still rang in his ears as the nurses and doctors buzzes their way around the operating room. he cant believe the first thing that he would literally hear was his sons voice. still dumbfounded, his eyes still stuck like glue at his sons limbs while streams of tears flow down from his stunned face.

"liam! liam!" kealoha shrieked still watching his sons flailing arms and legs as they washed him with wet cloth. but when he turned at his mate, he was again shell shocked. liam was asleep. hes not supposed to be asleep. he needs to see their son before they put him in healing slumber. why? why is he asleep?

 why? why is he asleep?

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"liam? hey, love. dont joke with me. you need to see our son first before you rest. dont you want to see him?" he chuckled nervously. their son was then handed to him to present to his mate but liam was unresponsive.

as the doctor saw liams stats, he was too was clueless. his vital signs are stable. his blood pressures normal. as it dawned on him, they ushered kealoha out and their son was carried out by a nurse for further newborn tests.

kealoha felt as if he was bathe in ice cold water. liams not dead. he didnt feel the bond break, instead it grew stronger with their sons presence. what made him seem like he was in a coma?

when he emerged from the theater, his mom, muren, engulfed him into a tight hug, his limp prominent.

"what is it, baby boy? what happened? to liam? to your baby?" muren asked as he cupped his sons pale face to make him read his lips.

"the babys fine but liam... mom... liam... he.... he seemed to fall into a coma like sleep. the doctors couldnt figure out whats wrong with him with all of his vitals in normal stat. theyll transfer him later. the babys at the nursery for some tests." he enumerated almost like robotically. he still could believe what happened to his mate. after he reported, he couldnt help feeling worthless. he couldnt do anything to help his mate. he wants to help him but how? hes right there but he somewhere that he couldnt follow. unaware still that he could clearly hear his mom as clear as the skies on a summer day, he was still in a stupor because of his mates situation.

upon feeling his sons helplessness, muren hugged the overly tall man that is his son. his son who is now a father to their grandson and a husband to his mate. no matter what title his son carries, he is still his baby boy through and through. unwillingly, a tear fall down in sympathy on his face. alexander then soon approached them and rubbed his sons head in comfort.

"itll be okay, son. didnt liam promise you that hell survive this?" alexander said reminding his son about the serious talk the family held a month ago when liams health deteriorated suddenly. liam was so firm in his belief that he will survive and be with his family until the end of time. and he will not let this test beat him into submission. upon hearing his fathers booming voice, full of his alpha prowess, he was somewhat pulled out from his depressing reverie.

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