author's note

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THANK YOU THANK YOU readers for giving the stories a chance to entertain you in your freetime.

i really really appreciate your votes, comments (i felt so happy reading them), and your encouragements.

as i end this series, i hope to hear from all of you in my upcoming stories as well. i may not be perfect in my grammars, punctuations or even in my choice of words (sorry) to express what i see in my head during the time i type my stories, but im really glad and i felt really accomplish to share them to you and your support really pushed me through the blocks.

ill still continue with my choice of genre or twerk it a bit. i might dwell in some "normal" settings with a bit of supernaturals here or there. well see.

keep safe.

merry meet.

merry part.

kheinnox 🌈☀️❤️🌻🌈

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