Reader Details // Prolouge

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[ Background Scene of my OC in one of the mentioned events in the backstory^^ ]

Welcome to my first book!! This Chapter is more informative than narrative, be shorter than average, and provide the background of how you, my lovely reader's character, are introduced in this story and world. The chapters will be formatted to be read from a left to right, iPhone device perspective.

(Y/n) = Your Name
(W/c) = Weapon Choice
(N/n) = Nickname
(A/c) = Armor Color
(M/s) = Mobian Species (your animal)
(f/c) = Fur Color
(e/c) = Eye Color

Reader uses She/Her pronouns.

»Portrayed Personality «
The Reader is an imprisoned warmonger, the latest participate that helped in trying to take over the world. (See Prologue). She's fierce and tough, calm and unbothered by others. When freed from prison, she keeps a serious tone but develops somewhat of a fun and cocky attitude, almost like they're being a hero that they really wanted to be.

» Prologue «
The Prologue of The Reader is based on a RP I had a long time ago. That RP itself can be written into a story, however I know thats not why you're here. The  prologue story sticks very close to me and even brought me to tears as I was first going through it, that entire RP. Here's the gist:

Eggman had been defeated once again. The world had finally seen his absolute downfall, he didn't run away or escape, he was gone... or so the world thought.

The Freedom Fighters, Sonic specifically, had left him amnesiated in Windmill Village far from the populated world. Hundreds of miles away, you were a civilian when the world was attacked by a fellow Mobian, a Wolf that took the Dr.'s technology. A new villain.

He too was on a quest for control of the world. However, on his quest to stop the Freedom Fighters, you were mistaken for one of them.

Captured and manipulated, you became his super-soldier. You grew into your new role and began to enjoy it, that feeling of power. You created an alias, a nickname, (n/n). And your infamous gear, (m/w), that threatened the world whenever you were deployed onto the front lines. All supplied by the Wolf commanding you around, but you had become good friends in your conquest.

You've tricked Sonic, held Tails hostage, and even- as you thought, watched the Wolf kill Knuckles after they stowed away on your airship- You would NEVER kill, only weaken and defeat your enemies.

This pushed you over the edge, someone you trusted had betrayed your morals, and you jumped out of the aircraft. Landing safely on the ground far from the failing ship, the Wolf had actually jumped out after you.

"(Y/n)!! NO!"

That was the first time you'd ever heard him say your real name. During the fall, you saw tears stream from the eyes of the Wolf.

He did not land so well, plummeting to the ground hard, and unable to respond as you got close. You were his only friend, and he didn't want to lose that.

Down on ground zero, the destruction laid the tattered material of your famous (m/w) weapon. You knelt down as Wolf called out, he knew it was over.

You released him from this world, the destruction he had caused, and killed him with the same weapons he forged for you.

The Freedom Fighters soon found you, imprisoning your form in a deep underground bunker, in a dark cool cell, to keep you away from the world. It's been 5 years of your life-time sentence...

Conti. To Story


I hope that wasn't too confusing, feel free to ask in the comments...


... if you have any questions. But with that out of the way, I hope you have a good time reading this story. That horrid metallic infection is here, and it's time to go Outside, Where it's Just as Cold.

- S.Ishvalda


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