[15] Change of Plans

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"I've got the drive, come get me on the hangar. They know I'm here... Olive!?" You reported into your communicator, the base still crumbling around you. It's old concrete structure began to scatter dust along the ground. Boxes toppled over.

Ejecting the drive, you booked it towards the hangar. A motobug and a construction robot appeared the second you sounded a corner. Your eyes widened as they turned a violent red. "woa-AHH."

Quickly drawing your (w/c), you stabbed the construction badnik, shutting the light in its eyes off permanently, and then stuck the sharpest edge into the motobug's tracks, causing it to become immobile. It let out a robotic screech and toppled over. The sound of more badniks came cluttering down the hall and you were forced to leave it. "Damn-" you muttered, whisking away towards the hangar once again.

The corner to the hangar was closed, and there was much commotion outside. The sound of massive engines vibrates the steel door, and the small crack where it opened gushed a violent but tiny streak of wind. 'Olive's here, perfect.'

"(Y-..#n.) Change of plans, we ne-.#ed you to boOo-d. T-the-the-the-..." Olive's microphone went out again, disabling her from finishing her sentence. Did she say board? Board the what?-

Growling with a rising sense of rage, you shook your fists and began to pry the door open with your claws, the brute strength dormant inside you was beginning to emerge, adrenaline filling your veins and the need for escape fueling your will to survive.

When you ripped the door open, the sides crashed into the wall. That small gust of wind turned into an extremely violent force of nature as if a tornado was welcoming you to your freedom. It was way too strong to be the SS Endurance...

Two spotlights were fixed to areas around you, scanning the landing pad as a large, disc shaped ship lowered onto the tarmac. Your last dance with fear was when the zombot almost touched you. It was a creation of your enemy, but now, that boss was standing right in front of you.

The Faceship. You were needed to board the Faceship.

. . . . .

A door lowered underneath it, a dark, short silhouette soon walked down it towards the inside of the base. An armada of badniks in full condition followed behind the stranger. They were too short to be Eggman, and had the stature of that of a Mobian, like you-

A henchman like those two skunks maybe? But you had to HIDE. Diving behind a barrel, you managed to stay out of sight.

'Seriously?!' You talked to your brain, curious WHY this thing was even here. It was an abandoned base and you just took all the data. That henchman maybe didn't know it, but regardless, there was nothing of tactical use to Eggman here...

Eavesdropping on the stranger, it was a masculine but elegant voice organizing the badniks. Through a small crack in the wood, you managed to make out some things... Yes, it was a mobian with a beak and white fur, dark streaks and was wearing small glasses. His outfit was actually rather stylish and on one of his hands was a strange spiraling stone... 'Nothing good if you'd ask me.'

You heard something about salvaging any well conditioned 'Old Eggman Tech'. Again, why?- Even if it was in good condition, it was all poorer quality from many years ago. Eventually, the mobian leader of this robotic brigade made their way inside. Funny enough, you heard a mourning yell of shock down the hall. He must of seen your small stampede of destruction. Perhaps he was a fan of Eggman technology.

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