[28] Face To Face With Your Greatest Enemy

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⚠️ Content Warning for Blood.

Very Big, Very along Chapter.

Olive was blazing it to Barricade Town, 200 miles away flying at just below mach speeds allowed by the smaller ship. She was jamming out to some heavy music on the way, rifting guitars or deep bases like out of Doom Eternal. The Endurance was the giant missile they shot into mars, and you and Olive were the BFG Division. No one was stopping you.

Olive slapped the steering wheel and bobbed her head up and down viciously, narrowing her eyes like a speed demon, and when the song changed she started singing.

"There he is!" You pointed out the window as a dull blue blur ran across a barren field with short grass. No trees or even rocks. Sonic himself however looked very unequal. His speed trail wasn't as bright and noticeably slower. Something was wrong. "Come on Olive, get me down there."

Olive shook the hair out of her face and banked the ship right to get a better view of Sonic, "Hey, What's he doing?-"

You looked ahead of where Sonic was running, straight into Barricade Town. It was an abandoned place and nothing was sure to be there- Then Sonic stopped and looked at two small floating objects.

The Endurance was no longer the only ship in the airspace. Even if they were little hovering aircrafts, there were two other ships here. Decorated in a spiraling red and white with gold glowing buttons. Eggman and his Eggmobile. Next to him...

"Starline-" you growled

. . . . .

Moments Earlier...

"Trying frequency 141.12." The henchman raised a small broadcasting device to the air to catch a better signal. He and his large friend watched for anything to happen below. Silence. "Nothing."

"This is so boring, can you pick up the pace duckbill?" Eggman rolled back in his Eggmobile as if it was a big rocking chair, challenging Starline as he did all the work.

Starline froze and looked at his 'hero' unamused. He then brought a finger down and pressed a button, "Sorry, sir, but if you had a plan we wouldn't have to do this right now. I personally don't want to get infected. 141.12"

"Bah, shows what you know about my work. Besides, there is no vaccine!" Eggman began to spin aimlessly in his seat like a bored child on their parents' swivel chair.

Starline's eyes widened, "WHAT?! How are we supposed to fight them off then if this isn't working!?"

Eggman chuckled, "Haha! Easy, just don't touch them. Anyways, I'm done with this conversation. You bore me duckbill."

"It's Starline-" The platypus mumbled, and continued to work at the device.

"Hmm, I think I'll call you Mr. Fashion Disaster actually!"

Back to Present...

Sonic had interrupted the two villain's argument as you watched them taunt each other below. This had to have been his first time seeing the revived Eggman persona, rather than Mr. Tinkerer. The hedgehog looked tired, and pissed off and wasn't have it with Eggman's banter this time.

They were talking to each other still, Sonic asking, 'Why do this? WHy go back to this evil villain stuff?' Of course, Eggman just told Sonic that he should know this, Eggman's been trying to take over the world for years and this was just routine now.

You flipped on your communicator to overhear their conversation as the Endurance went in for the approach, staying quiet as it however severy hundred meters above the town. Sonic's ears flicked back at hearing your beacon, pretending not to know you were there to surprise attack. He finally smirked, giving Eggman a taunt before the two went at it in classic fashion.

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