[2] Your Symbols Adorned

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OC by @SugarMoonRose !!

Sirens blared in the facility as a steel elevator quickly rose from the depths of the chilling, god-forsaken facility that entrapped the worst of the world. In all your time in imprisonment, you never heard those sirens. Long ago, you'd look up to those slowly pulsating red lights, wondering if you'd ever hear their ear-piercing shrieks as the scent of the sea drifted into your nose, an escape all on my your terms.

Escape was on your mind more than once, but you knew trying would leave you worse off, and with your solitude, you got the time to think to yourself, agree with the world, and that this is what you deserve.

Already, gray walls began to colorize. The dank smell of sickly unrecycled air turned into a current of new, recognizably fresher air that your body longe for.

The elevator screeched to a halt. With your arms chained in front of you and guards to all sides, the unit was led by Rouge back into a more open bunker. Two massive, steel sliding doors accompanied the back wall where two armored vehicles hummed their sturdy and powerful engines at the ready. An escort opened the door and ushered the guards inside, pulling you along with them. Rouge went around the side, and most likely into the passenger.

The vehicle began to shuffle forwards, the deep menace of the engine purred alive as you began to travel to wherever the Freedom Fighters had in store for you. You weren't afraid, it was a new chance to be someone you wanted to be. Your situation was still a sensitive one, and your prowess kept the guards on alert, however as sunlight flicked by the small slits in the roof of the vehicle, you couldn't help but bubble up inside. You wouldn't let them see the emotion gilding behind your eyes, but you knew that freedom was waiting, and you were coming for it.

A small mirror used for the drivers looked back into the cargo hold. Rouge was watching. "Enjoy that sunshine while it lasts (m/s)."

Your head quickly shifted to the small gap where the bat was looking through which startled the guards. You found it humorous these 'soldiers' were so startled by one heavily chained (m/s), but still, Rouge's words concerned you. You assumed she didn't mean anything about clouds. "This truck isn't for me, isn't it..."

Rouge's crimson eyes narrowed and she glanced back forwards towards the semi's driving direction. "No- the infected have spread rapidly, and have so far been unable to tear apart hard armor vehicles. We couldn't make it in a normal vehicle."

You nodded, trying to figure out what these infected were all about. Metal Virus... all by the infamous Dr.Robotinic, or Eggman as most people called him. No wonder Wolf's tech was so advanced. It just had its own spin on it. You still couldn't believe Dr.Eggman was hidden away in a small, remote village this whole time.

Throughout the ride, the tires of the vehicle kept the journey steady and rather boring. You wanted to see outside, desperately, to see how the world had changed, good and bad. For what felt like a few hours, 3 at most, the guards kept their eyes on you but periodically chatted, even whispered about how a legendary villain was in the same confined hold as them.

You couldn't help but prank the poor, petrified souls of these soldiers with some violent tugs at random parts of the trip, or sometimes trying to chat them up instead as they tried to hide their anxious eyes away from the conversation.

There was only one soldier who hadn't moved, shaken, or looked away from you antics. Ironically enough, he was the burliest of all the guards in the cargo hold. He was a black dragon wearing an armored police uniform. Tall, spiraled horns like a bulls' protruded from his head and dark spines that occasionally glinted from the sun ran down his back and his wings. Despite his dark and brooding appearance, very sunset-like colors accompanied his menace and that made you somewhat happy as you would soon get to see that in the real world.

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