[23] SPECIAL CHAP. Bring It On Home

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This will be a "girls being girls" chapter, so if you don't like girl drama and hot boy talk then you can skip, but it's very cute, I promise hehehe. >:D

Also, I drew a reference for Olive WOOHOO

The SS Endurance escorted the truck of survivors back to Restoration HQ, flying above and rigged for silent running as it steadily hovered above the truck

Zombots were scattered throughout alleyways, not taking notice to the ship. They'd get distracted by their fellow zombots, knocking over cans and tripping over curbs like a senseless horde. Of which, that really was what they were.

Sonic had arrived earlier and waited for the truck to thunder up towards the hangar. The hero hedgehog was pacing along a rooftop, searching the skies until he spotted the SS Endurance. Pretending to wave it in, he followed downwards inside.

Survivors began to step off the Endurance.

. . . . .

You and Olive stepped down the dropped hangar door ramp, gently chatting to each other. Your partner spoke up first, "I'm sorry about your helmet (Y/n)."

"It's fine- I was able to operate fine without it-" You mumbled.

"And I- watched your fight with Shadow. Are you ok?"

"Fine." You repeated, "I just don't understand how it came to that. How wasn't he told? Or understood that everyone was vouching for me? That just- wasn't the Shadow I've been afraid of this whole time."

"It was weird. I'll go talk to Rouge about it and let you know if somethings up." Olive stopped to the side, changing her direction so she could, indeed, go talk to Rouge. However, before she could go report, small paws gently pulled at her pant leg.

You both looked down.

A little wolf-dog boy with whitening tan fur and red eyes that filtered in a light orange glow looked up to your own (e/c), and then to Olive's. He looked to be 7 or 8, and was terrified. His poor body was shaking ever so slightly and his expression was worried. The littlest bit of tear began to fill the corners of his eyes.

You felt bad for the small child, kneeling down to-

"K-KAT!? Oh my god!" Olive flinched so fast it almost knocked you back. She was hugging the small child, who hadn't been crying in fear, but joy. He knew Olive. This was a reunion.

Your canine compadre held the little boy in her arms and tossed him in the air happily. "I can't believe you- yo- HAHA! You're alive! We'll you'd still be alive but you're like, not infected and still have a mind of your own."

The little boy went emotionless in confusion.

"-Which is a good thing!" you finished Olive's sentence, trying to keep that ray of sunshine that was just beaming into the room right now.

Olive drew the boy, Kat, closer to her in a hug, "We need to get you to your- brother."

Olive was now the one who looked emotionlessly confused, but really it looked kind fear...


ROMANTIC FEAR. Oh yes, you remembered far too well. The dots connected, this little dude looked familiar.

Olive brought the topic of her crush back up when you first came back to Restoration HQ. That 'hot tan were-hog' as she liked to call him. He was actually just a hedgehog though, with a little bit of canine from his dad you thought. And now, who knew that she was dreaming of as an adult in her prime. This must be their little brother.

You chuckled to yourself and walked up to Olive, "Oh boy, do you want me to take him? You were going to go talk to Rouge right?"

"NO. I got this." Olive's heart beat like it was about to just pop out of her chest. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves now that she's got leverage for trying to talk to her crush again.

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