[4] Gameplan

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"We know that this location means a lot to many of you, Seaside City is a capital and the HQ for our friends, Team Chaotix. We've already notified them of the incoming horde attack." Rouge took the stage, still flying above the bright orange hologram and explaining the situation. She then brought up a security camera's footage and displayed the metallic chaos currently happening in real-time.

Buildings were covered in liquidated virus, infecting trees that surrounded the city. An endless stream of silvers, golds, and bronzes began to flood into the streets. From far away it didn't look as bad- knowing you were safe in the HQ, for now. You couldn't help but wonder a scary thought, maybe what you would look like, infected and robotized...

Rouge snapped back your attention as she continued. "We're on route to get an escort ship to survivors who are holding a bottleneck at the docks. Officer Gante?"

Rouge looked over to the dragon who nodded, "Airship's ready to go."

"Good." Rouge looked across the room to the rest of the soldiers who were ready to get out there and do some real good. "You all have your teams. Now let's do this!"

All those gathered around the table broke off to go join their squads and find their positions. You, however, were pulled to the side by Rouge's surprisingly strong hand.

"What do you need me to do?" You asked her, unsure of how you would fit into the battle.

"We need you on the rescue shuttle. You'll be dropped off as others are boarding. Because of your armor, we need you to fend off any infected that escape past Vector's make-shift barrier." Rouge brought the security footage back up again that displayed rows upon rows of cars that were slammed down into the ground to create a barrier for the survivors.

"I can do that." You smirked, confident in your ability. You turned to run towards the escort ship when you were awkwardly pulled back once again. Your expression appeared annoyed as your eyes met Rouge's. "What?"

The bat stared you down, hard- with a serious face that had the intent to kill. "You know that we all trust you now. So don't you dare think about running away-"

"Gee, that really does sounds like you trust me." Her intimidation was understandable, releasing a convicted criminal into the world. But she should know your intent was pure and good. "Why would I even run away to try to  live in a world like this?"

You ripped your arm away and carried on towards the airship. Although your relationship with the Freedom Fighters was still a work in progress, it stung to be misguided by Rouge's previous kind welcoming.

Grabbing your helmet on the way as you ran into the hanger of the ship when- the world felt slower... You looked to your left and saw a flurry of orange and white. Tails.

He saw you, and you saw him. He looked shocked and scared to see you in the flesh. You could tell that the fox's own emotions and memories from those 5 years ago were reemerging.

As the crowd around you fled to their positions, you two stood still. Frozen. Tail's breathing was uneven and scared, his hands barely being able to hold onto the device he used for the hologram. Your own eyes flicked to him, his shaky hands and his wide eyes. All you felt was shame, and you looked away in submission.

"Tails... I'm sor-"

"No, I don't want to hear it." He mumbled, eyes narrowing and preventing tears from forming in his eyes. "I know you're on our side but I don't think I'll forgive you for what happened..."

You shuttered at the response, it was expected but it still hurt you- "I know, I don't want or need forgiveness. I'm just going what I should of done a long time ago."

Turning tail, you began to walk towards the ship. You put your mask back on and turned to the fox a final time as the hanger doors closed. You tilted your head up in a proud gesture. "I'm saving this world."


It has been a while since you've been in the air. You tried to zone out of all the flashbacks, especially knowing you were about to relive it all. Your actions had a new purpose now. No more need for people to suffer through more harm.

You grabbed onto one of the hanging loops that were used to stabilize yourself as the vehicle took off.

Gante's unit was organizing weapons and anything that could stop or at least slow down the infected. All you had was your armor, and Rouge said that was enough. However the thought of potentially having contact with an infected still messed with your thoughts of how to go about this.

"(N/n), catch." Gante grumbled from behind you, tossing a set of lower-quality dual blades in your direction. They were iron and slightly curved. Their handles were laced with a darker gray pallet with (favorite color) rope to tie it all together. They landed by your feet as your hands were still hanging onto the shuttle's support ropes.

"Nice throw." You taunted the dragon.

"Do you want them or not?" He huffed back.

"Yeah yeah... Thanks 'Gantee'." You smirked at him, using that funny little nickname you gave the commander, and it was genuine. Gante huffed in a nod, not really fighting it. You paused and looked at the weapons, and then back to Gante, back and forth, before speaking up again, "And, it's (Y/n)."

"Alright, (J/n, joke/incorrect way to say your name)." Now the dragon smirked at you. The gesture had you both smiling at each other, and Gante widened his eyes as he let his burly, serious self go for a moment. He quickly looked away and went back to commanding around his units.

Rouge, who was at the co-pilot's seat in another cabin, was hearing everything through an intercom, laughed to herself as you two got along. She was starting to like this "free" version of yourself.

You chuckled and looked back out the windows as the aircraft rapidly breezed through the air towards your destination. Even in its current condition, the cityscape you were on route to gave you a warm feeling in your heart. You wanted to smile, but you were afraid of what it looked like now.


Main cast #1 has been met, Hello Tails. Sorry the reader kidnapped you in her backstory :) And sorry this chapter is a little short, It's just traveling to Seaside City, but we'll get some action next chapter!!

Chapter Length @1124 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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