[9] Floral Forest Village

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The ride towards Floral Forest Village was quiet but delicious. Olive had brought you a simple but awesome sandwich with turkey, lettuce, and seasoning. It was also just loaded with avocado. Food had never been so good, especially for it being the first unique kind of food since being released.

Your ship's intercom came online with some chatter and you choked on a little bit of your meal. As you were shocked to hear... Olive's voice. "We'll be arriving overhead at Floral Forest Village in t-minus 5 minutes."

That's right, she went around a corridor and not out of the hangar. You kicked up your feet from under the table and burst into the cabin, seeing the canine in a pilot's jumpsuit and aviator sunglasses. "Olive, did you SNEAK onboard?!"

"Not exactly." She yelled, not realizing the headphone she was wearing also didn't cancel out your own hearing. Your ears went back as she yelled out loud and through the speakers, as Olive forgot to turn them off.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" You grabbed onto the back of her seat, looking from her to the wind shield windows as the landscape turned into a very dense forest with hanging vines and bungalow trees.

"I can handle it, just go back to the hangar so I can drop you off." She shooed you away and you took a step back towards the corridor back to the hangar as Olive asked. You huffed from your nostrils in frustration at the girl, who probably had never been in the field before, but yet you were surprised at her smooth flying, not noticing her rookie presence until now.

The hangar door started to lower and the flurry of treetops breezed by in blurs that soon turned into their normal shape as the ship slowed down. A village soon appeared below, and a small march of infected along with it...

Picking up your helmet, you placed it under your arm as you prepared to descend upon the besieged town. There were few spots to pick to descent into due to the massive amounts of trees and plantation below. Finally, you spotted a rooftop that you could slid off onto the ground through.

With a thump, Olive could feel you jump from the cargo hold and out into the air. You were freefalling about 10 feet to the rooftop, placing your feet forward and landing with a pencil dive, bending your knees to take the blow. You slid down with ease and rolled onto the grass below, popping right back up. Looking around, the coast was clear, for now. Some civilians were running towards your jet.

Your finger placed itself on a little communication device in your ear, "Alright, I'm on the ground, sending people to the drop zone now."

"Roger that (Y/n), I'll take it from here. And remember, you're here to help rescue Vanilla and Cream as well." Olive called, her voice crumbly from the radio signal.

"You say that like someone came with us." You put your helmet on and started to direct people, ushering them towards the East, the farthest direction from where the infected had gathered. Telling the fleeing civilians to look for your navy green rescue ship. You hoped it would be able to find enough for its relatively small crew size.

You started running when Olive messaged you back over the radio. "Someone did, it wa-"

In an instant, a violent wind blew past you. It blew your helmet right off before Olive could finish her sentence. A foot path drew itself in the grass as a solid line ahd drawn itself in the lawnscape. Blue and blurry, it could even blend in with the sky.

Sonic the Hedgehog.

Short but important chapter! It's him, the blue blur, the boi, here's here. Hello boi, welcome.

Things will be picking up from here, I'd say we're at the 1/4th way point. What do you guys think so far?

More OC moments? Or maybe more Canon character moments outside of the plot perhaps?

Chapter Length @700 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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