[11] An Innocent Warrior

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On the flight home, you had a harder time chatting to Cream and Vanilla, and spent most of the time in the co-pilot seat of the cabin having small talk with Olive.

The two of you reported back to HQ, your survivor count and that you safely got the rabbit family into the rescue shuttle. Vector stole the phone from Rouge and was glad to hear Vanilla was ok.

Olive put the communicator away and looked in a small rear view mirror so she could see you in the co-pilot seat behind her, "How was Sonic? I hope he didn't get in the way."

Leaning your chin in the palm of your hand, you were looking out the window. You chuckled, bouncing your shoulders up in amusement as you shrugged, "Fine, I guess... He's probably upset to see me but I made him forget it."

"I think that's why I like working with you the most (Y/n), you're always focus on the task at hand." Olive gave a thumbs up and a wink through the mirror that made you smile too. Sitting back upright you thought about your short conversation with Sonic again.

"I can also see why Sonic is someone fun to work with, he was pretty serious too but, a little too cocky in the moment."

Olive waved her hands, "Oh please, Sonic is always like that. The world could be ending and he'd still be smiling. OOP." The canine threw a hand over her mouth with enough force to almost knock her sunglasses off. "Sorry-" She anxiously added.

"It's fine." An unfortunate reference to the past. You had almost ended the world. More like taken over, but to the rest of those who live on this planet, you were sure it looked like the end of the world in their eyes... "And yeah, he was smiling. At the time that actually made me feel pretty bad to lose but now I see how proud he must have been."

"We love Sonic but he does like to let that hero look run rampant in his ego." Olive looked back on her control panel after a beeping sounded on the aircraft. "Someone's asking for help in the hangar, could you go take a look?"

With a heady sigh you nodded and stood up from the seat, your boots creating a small crash on the metal of the airship. "Yeah, sure."

Begrudgingly, you turned the corner to almost trip on a small, young child in front of you. It was Cream. You looked down at the small rabbit in confusion. Her hands were at her side and she looked like a toddler trying to play pretend adult. Her cheeks were a little puffed out and her eyes in a slightly angered position.

"Cream? Are you ok kid?" Tilting your head in confusion to her sudden presence, Cream flinched a little.

"I- you're (N/n) right?" She asked in a quiet but interesting voice. At first it confused you as to how she asked the question. Didn't everyone know you? But you realized that during your reign of terror 5 years ago, Cream would of only been 2 years old.

You nodded and knelt down to her level, "That's right, but I go by (Y/n) now. That's my real name." Carefully, you held out your hand to the small rabbit as a sign of respect and calm.

She slowly walked closer and took it, looking deep into your (e/c) eyes, "I don't remember the past very well, and I don't know bad (Y/n), so-... can I get to know good (Y/n)?"

That. was Adorable. Even Olive in the cabin around the corner wanted to choke up a tear from overhearing it.

The forgiving nature of this 7 year old child was more mature than some of the adults on the Freedom Fighter force. This small, innocent warrior had made you feel so wholesome and warm. A feeling you had yet to experience in such a long time.

Nevermore, nevertheless, did you expect to feel a tear build up in your eye. Cream noticed it as well, and took a step closer to make sure you were ok. "Miss (Y/n) are you ok?" She stood by your side and tried to help you up, even though you were originally kneeling down anyways.

"Yes Cream, I'm ok. You're just so sweet." Trying not to be rough, you pulled the small rabbit in close for a nice hug, the thoughts of the past Olive accidentally brought up faded away instantly. How could such a shining light present itself in this dark time? Cream shivered for a moment until she realized you really needed this hug, and embraced you back just as much, smiling wide at how she made you so happy.

You finally pulled away and wiped away a tear, picking yourself back up and holding Cream's hand as you walked back to the Hangar, "How are you and your mom? I hope those zombots didn't scare you."

Must. Protect.

Cream nodded her head side to side, "It really was scary, and I miss my chao Cheese and Chocola a lot, but I'm glad me and mommy are safe."

"I hope I was able to help." You smiled down at the girl as you turned the corner past your room and into the hangar where Cream stopped in the doorway, stopping you as well.

"Mhm, you and Mr. Sonic too." She picked up the pace again and brought you over with a surprising amount of force to visit her mother, Vanilla. There was a robot next to her, Gemerl, an eggman robot that was 'saved' by Tails. He shot up suddenly and pointed an arm canon at you.

"Gemerl no!" Cream stepped in the way and Vanilla stood up as well in alarm. You took a step back in surprise at the sudden violence. "This is Miss (Y/n) and she helped us get away from the scary zombots."

"Objection. (Y/n) is (N/n) from the first War. She is a threat." The robot spoke in it's, well, robotic voice.

"Gemerl, it has been 5 years, and (Y/n) has been cleared by Amy and the Freedom Fighters to help us with the metal virus." Vanilla put a hand on the robot's shoulder to stop him from advancing further. The sentient robot listened to the ones he protected and lowered his weapons, but he remained on guard.

"Yes, I- really have come to help stop the virus." You assured him, but whatever his programming was, it still had Gemerl in disbelief and on alert.

The intercom came on once again, Olive announcing that "we'll be landing shortly. Welcome to Restoration HQ everyone. Units will be here to help you right as we land. Please hold onto something."

You sat in a seat next to Vanilla, Gemerl stood guard with his iron feet firmly attached to the magnetic floor of the ship and didn't take his eyes off of Cream, who was sitting in her mother's lap talking with you again.

The ship soon docked in the Restoration's hangar, and you assisted in helping people depart. You said your goodbye to Cream with a small wave, and turned to Olive who was exiting the pilot's cabin.

"That, was the cutest thing ever." She said, squealing a little and shaking your shoulders.

"You heard all of that?" You chuckled.

"Uhm, of course. I can basically hear anything in the cabin so that I know what's going on."

"You little spy." You joked back.

The two of you girls looked to be attached at the hip from this far away, best friends. Another individual smiled for a rare time as he walked up to you, letting the expression die to preserve his brute attitude.

I love IDW Cream, she's an actual angel and I would eat the metal virus for her.

Chapter Length @1320 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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