[12] Acquaintances

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"Gante." You looked up to the black dragon, he looked his usual and nothing really different to conclude. You were only gone an hour so nothing probably happened in the time you were out.

"See, you were fine without my squad." He shrugged, placing a hand over your hair and ruffling it a little roughly.

"Who said I miss your squad." You tried to pry his hand off, him smirking as he took it away from your weaker noodle arms.

"Says you whining about us not going." He tried to hide the fact he was looking around your face to see if you were injured at all, and once he saw you were fine he nodded with a huff, some smoke coming out of his nose. "Anyways, you have your next assignment."

Out of some magical pocket, Gante grabbed a manila folder with some information on it. The first paperback report you'd receive rather than being briefed by Rouge or Amy.

"Already?" You tried not to groan, opening it and examining the details. It wasn't a rescue mission. It was labeled as a Spy mission, and that gave you much more excitement. With a devious smile you turned back to your ship so you could read the report, but was grabbed by Gante's strong arm again. You turned to look up at him with a 'what' kind of an expression.

"Someone would like to speak to you." He stole back the manila folder and flipped it around with a room number. From what you could recall, it was a conference room next to the main Control Room.

"Ok then..." 'weird' you thought to yourself, grabbing the assignment folder back from the dragon, and wandering over to the area. You passed by refugees that were given some blankets, some giving you long looks now that you were no longer wearing your helmet constantly. You missed that thing, it gave you protection but right not, it honestly wasn't bothering you too much. A spy mission doesn't really require heavy armor.

You now stood before the conference room door, sliding it open with the press of a button. Soon your eyes were met with gazing green ones. Sonic had asked to see you, his feet propped up on the desk for a short break after running off the virus. You tried not to be mean, but your smile from learning about your assignment turned to a hidden frown when you saw him.

"Sonic." You greeted him.

"(Y/n), take a chair will ya?"  his hand gestured to all the open seats in the room, a light sparkle of metal flecking off of it from the lights. You pulled one out and sat down, pulling your hands together to intertwine your fingers. The chair was to his right at the farthest end of the table. Your ears perked up as to why he called you here.

"Is there something you need from me?" You asked, leaning forwards closer to him across the table.

"Just a chat. I know you were being released to help us and, I'll be honest, I'm surprised I'm actually glad you're here to help."

"Thanks-" you muttered, leaning backwards at the, kind-of-insult, into your chair. It rocked back as you rested comfortably and crossed your arms along your chest, "Now, what do you want?"

"Just to get to know you a little bit more. You're kinda an interesting figure after all." He shrugged, also mimicking the comfortable pose you were leaning back in. "A genuine conversation."

Shrugging, you didn't really have anything to hide, "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Who are you really?" You flat out asked.

"(Y/n) the (M/s) and I'm from Seaside City?" You narrowed an eye at him. He would have to be more specific than that. "I like (favorite food) and armor, I jam out to (favorite song genre) on the occasion."

You pretty much know yourself. Your life, although violent, was pretty straightforward. You remember the events that shaped it.

"Do you do anything for fun?"

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