[6] Those That Remain

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"Calm your bug butt down Charmy." You pinned Charmy to the ground, the small insect unable to fight back against your force.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Vector was running towards you with violent intent.

"Vector, stay back!" You threw a hand out towards Vector to stop him, obviously being a gesture as he would definitely pound you into the ground for holding Charmy. But the gator dad was very upset and angry. Frantically you told him the hard truth. "Charmy's infected!"

He stopped in his tracks, almost falling over and eyes wide. His toothed mouth gaped in concern and fear. His best friend and almost like his child figure had been ripped away from him.

"It's too late, get everyone who made it into the hang–gah!"

You wrestled Charmy to the ground, pushing through his arm that you had pinned down. The insect attempted to swipe and bite at you, his stinger dangerously close to one of your legs as his wings beat your chin mercilessly.

You hit the concrete below as his arm reformed, completely a goopy substance, the metal virus in full force.

"Sorry Charmy-" A voice spoke behind you right as Charmy began to free himself. Espio had appeared, uncloaking his camouflage and smacking the poor bee with a lose car door pulled from the wreckage.

Charmy was blasted backways and hit the vehicular barrier, dazed and giving a chance for the crew to run away. Nobody touched you, and you stumbled to your feet on your own as you fled behind the remaining members of Team Chaotix.

Your (f/c) fur was a mess and you were sweating from the fight, not having much time to get back into shape after being in your cell for so long. The three of you were breathing heavily, resting your palms on your knees and on the verge of collapsing from the stress. You ripped off your helmet and took deep breathes to try to recover.

Vector and Espio were staring out at the scene they had just escaped from, and the trauma of leaving their precious friend behind to reside in the horde. Nobody spoke a word. The only sound you could hear was the rev of the airship's engines rumbling throughout the hanger. Survivors were crying in the background as soldiers tended to their needs, checking to see if they were infected or injured. Gante gave the all-clear and everyone was finally able to relax.

Your fight with Charmy felt too strong for an insect as small and young as him. The virus might be giving them buffs and modifiers, strength, and especially resentment to destruction. The zombots just reform seconds after they were hit.

"You alright kid?" Gante had approached you, standing tall behind you. Some beads of sweat slowly flowed off his scales and onto his uniform. For a black dragon in the sweltering summer sun, he must be burning.

"I'm fine- just not what I was expecting... Charmy we-"

"I know... Vector told me." Gante knelt down to your level and examined your armor and your scar. He placed a rough dragon paw on your forehead, almost rubbing your eyebrow uncomfortably upwards. Your eye felt strained and dry.

"Uh- oww?" You threw up your armored hands to bring his off of you.

"Your eyes are stressed from the light." He stood back up and rummaged through his many pockets, pulling out a small vial with a drip-squeeze-ended tip. "Here."

Gante tossed it to you, catching it in one hand due to your (m/s) reflexes despite the (kinda) handicap Gante just gave you. You rolled the small vial between your fingers to read a label. 'Eye drops.'


"You've been down in the dark for a while, your eyes readjusting might need some help." The dragon added, pointing to the vial and shrugging at his suggestion.

You hummed and thank you and put a drop in each eye, hissing at the healing feeling. You shook your head as if you were drying off your fur and looked back at Gante with teary, semi-blurry eyes. "Gha- but thanks though."

He nodded and went off to another tall reptile close by, he patted his back and suddenly Vector was on his way over to you. You stayed kneeling on the ground as the gator approached.

"(N/n) hmm?" He looked down at you and tilted his head in suspicion. Your ears went down in a sign of submission and respect. Vector was a more experienced and older individual than you and was an expert in this situation. He was another great hero to the Freedom Fighters and therefore his was due respect.

"Yes- and I go by (Y/n) now actually." You looked back up and Vector and soon noticed his fellow chameleon companion appear next to him, literally.

"Well (Y/n), the situation may seem rough, but we really do appreciate what you did for us today." The leader of Team Chaotix offered his hand to help you, and you took it. The subtle gesture reaches your heart as a sign of trust. You were making headway and the reptiles seemed to be accepting you.

Sighing, you looked into Vector's narrow eyes, and with a solemn tone you spoke, "I'm sorry about Charmy- and how I handled him. I know he's very important to you guys bu-"

"-but he was a danger to all of us. A flying infected could cause absolute chaos." Espio interrupted you. The logistical chameleon understood your turmoil. "-yes, Charmy is still our best friend, however, you saved us back there. And I'm guilty of hurting him too."

Espio put a hand on your shoulder and smiled towards you. Vector added his to your other shoulder, and added to Espio's encouragement, "Both of you had to make difficult decisions today in order to stop Charmy. We'll get him back."

You nodded, smiling to both of the reptiles, "We'll find a way to stop all this. For now, we just have to help out those that remain."

Extra No POV: Gante leaved against the archway of one of the hanger entrances, crossing his arms together and watching the interaction between his fellow reptiles and (Y/n). He smiled, turning into the doorway proud of watching the supervillain let her old self go.

You're making you way up the ladder^^ Trust has been gained even if it did feel too easy.

Chapter Length @1078 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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