[10] The Hero and His Villain

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The famous hedgehog, the greatest hero of his time, Sonic, had appeared. You were helping your greatest enemy. Previously of course. But still all the edge and fear was there, re emerging at what might happen between you two. This was the first time in 5 years you would be face to face.

"Sorry ma'am we need to get you to!-" Sonic had appeared behind you, assuming you were another villager from Floral Forest.

You turned around slowly, eventually making eye contact with the blue hero. You shocking (e/c) met his concerned emerald ones, unsure of what to think of the other.

"(N/n)..." His eyes narrowed and his hands curled into fists. You could tell Sonic was deadly angry. When you noticed his fists, it made you more frightened. Your helmet was off, you were exposed, and you were reminded that Sonic was infected.

"I'll apologize and grovel at your feet later, we need to save this village first." You swept your helmet off the ground and took off, using that excuse to really just get out of his way and save the rabbit family as fast as you could.

Sonic caught up to you easily as the two of you ran towards the local Freedom Fighter's residence. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Don't act like you don't know I was released to help you." You gawked back, keeping your eyes forwards as you dodged and blocked some incoming attacks from the infected. You cut through them easily with your (w/c).

Sonic had started to run backwards, his expression and actions a mix of cocky and curious to your intervention, "Ok but, WHY are you here? Nevertheless alone?"
You know what he meant, why aren't you being supervised, the villain free to do whatever, but you dodged that secret question, and chose to use Sonic's own personality against him to have some fun, "I'm not alone, I have you to babysit."

You skid to a halt and turned around a tight corner as Sonic sped off a little too fast, distracted by your remark. "HEY!"

Snickering to yourself, you walked towards the pathway that led to Vanilla and Cream's house. Sonic, was immediately next to you once again, coming back and trying to think of a way to refute your taunt. But you refocused his attention on the mission at hand when you called out to the rabbit family.

There was silence for only a moment, and that was enough to worry the both of you, but a young girl's voice called out, "Miss we're here!"

Sonic spin dashed into the room and knocked out a zombot, forcing it's goopy body out of the way and right into a wall, splattering it as it cartoonishly spun itself into their curtain and collapsed, stuck.

Behind you, a groan and a pair of arms reached over your head. On instinct you kicked backwards with your armored shoe, stomping in the knees of the poor zombot behind you. "That probably didn't feel good." You joked to yourself, beginning to fend off the zombot's re-animated remains AND another group that was coming into the home.

Glancing back, Sonic was standing in front of Cream and Vanilla, who had tried to shelter behind a chair in the other room. Cream looked terrified, most likely of you- and you had to look away. You wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know about your release. You tilted up your helmet to show your calm expression, a way to reassure Cream that you were a mobian, just like her, even if you were previously a super villain.

"(N/n), keep them back while I get them out of here." Sonic called from the other room, spin dashing into their roof and creating a hole. You could hear the collateral damage while your eyes were trained on the horde that began to pour into the home from the door.

"No promises, they've breached the door." You had to keep swinging/shooting to keep them back, dismembering the poor unfortunate souls, but all the same they reformed their missing parts just as quickly. It almost felt too fast, the Seaside City crisis zombots took longer than this... Was the virus mutating?

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