[35] To Think I'd Fight Alongside You 🎨

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". . ."

"(Y/n), wake up sleepy head ..."

"... we're in a bit of a pickle right now!"

Your hearing phased in and out as you slowly began to wake up, coming to your senses, as Tangle stood over you still. The momentary nearsightedness of your vision showed the obviously frantic lemur shaking you awake, while in the background a blurry mess of gray and white that was her tail swung around like a whip.

"Tangle?-" You shook your head like a cartoon as you came back around. Placing a hang on your forehead you saw Zavok standing behind Tangle, "What's going on? There's no way- did we lo-"

Zavok had been returned to his normal size, but was still such a brute that he kept fighting,"You dare!"

Cream's reformed chaos, Cheese and Chocola had returned and began to pester the beast, giving you and Tangle time to get out of the way. "Get out of the way" turned into you and Tangle throwing punch and whip at Zavok.

"Ha! Yeah we do!" Tangle's tail wrapped around the zette, spinning him around as she quickly unraveled herself.

"No rest for the weary I guess." You stood up and dashed to the side, the movement causing you to notice you were in rough shape after going super and colliding with the ground. There was some bruising and scratches, but you could stand and that was good enough for you.

You pumped your fists together and waited for Tangle to whip Zavok around so he would be blind-sided. And when that time came, you dashed forwards with a fist held out forwards. But you weren't the only one on the attack.

"Let's take him down!"

Vector had returned! Charmy too! They were back to normal. So was- Gante! Team Chaotix, along with the black dragon and Silver rushed the zette. Vector and Gante used their combined strength to overwhelm Zavok, who yelled out that, "I will not fall!"

While you head-butt right on the brute's forehead with your speed. It certainly knocked him for a loop. Silver then swooped in and used his powers to hold Zavok down, "Then you'll be crushed!"

With the white hedgehog came an energized Hammer in the form of one of Whisper's little wisp friends, that brought Zavok down to the dirt below.

Charmy took your pace, holding his stinger out right in front of Zavok's beaten eye. The beast groaned about revenge below as the group held him captive. The little bee smirked menacingly down at Zavok, proud to have 'beaten' this big bad villain.

You stood back, knowing that Team Chaotix, Gante, Silver, Tangle, and Whisper had it handled. This was it, you truly had won.

With a deep breathe, you looked across the horizon line of Angel Island, still afloat as Knuckles confirmed the emerald was safe from Eggman. You'd be surprised if the evil Dr. really would keep his word. He was known for double crossing at the opportune moment.

So, you kept your eye one him. And so. You noticed- that Eggman had mysteriously had his eggmobile returned to him and was beginning to fly away from Angel Island with clenched teeth.

"GEMERL!! NO!!" It was Cream, screaming below as she looked up to the sky. What she saw cursed fear into her heart. Her innocent eyes widened as she watched Gemerl deactivate.

From your vantage point, you saw Gemerl slowly rise up from the cliff you stood upon. His head hung low and lifeless. The light in his robot eyes flicked before disappearing completely. His chestplate was fully beaten in. The silver slipstream metal of another robot's arm breached through his chest.

Metal Sonic had just destroyed Gemerl in one sudden, foul played swoop.

Whisper attempted to shoot at the robot killer, firing a yellow wisp through her sniper, but it just reflected right off of Metal Sonic's impressive shield. The fake hedgehog dropped Gemerl, your battered friend free-falling to the ground. Thankfully, Tails was there to catch the heavy robot, at least to slow his fall while Cream tearfully waited below to check on her robotic friend.

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