Route C - Espio and Dragon Dad

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"It's about time I got to go on a mission with dragon dad over there." You smirked and nodded at Gante, the black dragon that had been trying to protect you from the background. In this moment, you wished that your entire team could be here... You never got the chance...

"Don't call me dad (y/n)-" The commander shook his head and looked down pretending to be disappointed, but you knew he had to have been happy with you on his team. He looked up and pointed at you from his crossed arms, "and Espio will be with us as well. Don't forget."

Sonic shrugged with a smile on his face, "Then it's settled, let's get going before the Deadly Six have a chance to get stronger."


The crowd of heroes cheered, tossing their hands in the air as Eggman flipped on the portal generator, "I've got the adjustments with the portal apertures done. Now get out of here you pests."

Of course, everyone ignored Eggman's 'insult' and carried on towards. Tails raced towards Eggman and double checked the evil genius's measurements. With a thumbs up, the little fox stood back ready for his own departure, "I've got all the coordinates set! Here, stand in a line and I'll generate them right in front of you."

Both you and your reptile friends nodded as the portal opened before you. Nothing caught your eyes until a green glow cast upon your faces as the portal began to spiral into view. With wide (e/c) eyes, you looked at the phenomena as if the magical green twisting time loop cast a spell.

"Good luck everyone. Wish I could come with you." Sonic, still running on the little treadmill, saluted each team as they began to jump through. Your teammates jumped through, leaving you to look at the blue hero and smile.

"We won't let you down, Sonic."

"I know you won't (Y/n), now get out there and show those villains the hero you are!"

"How inspiring..." Eggman mumbled in the background, tinkering with Metal Sonic as he stood guard.

With your back turned to the portal, you crossed your arms together and fell backwards, laughing in excitement at the battle that was to unfold!

. . . . .

You were now successfully in Riverside. A remote town that had been beaten and harshly destroyed by the zombot invasion, and by Zazz's boredom as well.

The portal spat Gante, Espio, and yourself in a curvy alleyway, dotted with missing posters and "We're Hiring" signs. Your trio snuck onto a rooftop to spot the purple zette flying around on a large yellow ball, decorated in sharp teeth and thin glowing blue eyes. Small boosters sat on various sides of the robot as it flew ahead.

Gante and Espio dived prone as the zette and his strange ship flew close by. The chameleon drew his finger along the air as he traced the path of the target across the sky, "I can jump onto it as it passes by. It is not going incredibly fast either."

"Just be careful, he's probably bored." You snickered, looking at the zette as he floated in the distance, violently throwing his hands in the air as he cried of boredom agony. Gante huffed some smoke, actually disappointed that you were trying to be funny in this trying time.

"We will try to make this quiet. The two of us will hide in the background unless things get hectic." Gante looked to Espio. You could see the chameleon narrowing his sharp eyes as he memorized Zazz's speed and ran crazy calculations in his head.

"I can make it. I'll use my invisibility and try to steal the emerald." Espio nodded to the group, getting ready to jump as he turned invisible. "Zazz will be by in a moment. Hurry! Get somewhere hidden."

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