[20] Robot v Robots

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Sonic's eyes widened, "Wait, no! These are not Eggman robots. They're victims of the metal virus and we;ll turn them back." He began to follow after Omega.

The robot stomped through the streets, shooting at anything that was metallic and moved. When suddenly, he lunged forwards with boosters on his legs, pumping a zombot and just- grabbing one.

Sonic skidded to a halt as you rushed to meet him, seeing what Omega had just snatched... "Hey I'm not fast like you gu- WOAH!"

The robot and the blue hedgehog must have been fighting about the ethics of their decisions to fight against the zombots, as Omega holds it up to you and Sonic.


Sonic nodded his head side to side, "I- mean technically?"


"Yeah, yeah I guess-..."


Omega's iron claws gripped the zombot tightly, spinning the upper half of his body and SLAMMING the metallic creature into the concrete below. In a gush of mushy liquid, parts splattered around you.

"Watch where you're smashing things!" You awkwardly dodged side to side, bending your spine or your arms and legs to avoid the biohazardous material. Surprisingly quickly, the foe reformed, rising from the dead once again.

The robot already began to move on, stomping towards another horde that approached due to the noise. You and Sonic were left by yourselves, jumping away from the revived zombot and onto a safer terrace.

You two watched as Omega made his way through, it was a little- terrifying.. In your mind, you thought of the perfect music for this moment. Ah yes, Doom Eternal. There Omega goes, pummeling rhodes of enemies with no remorse. It made you laugh until Sonic spoke up.

"Well, I suppose he's not actually damaging these guys." The blue hedgehog shrugged, sliding down a drainage pipe back onto the ground. "Let's get moving."

"Right away." You agreed, a smile forming on your face as the two of you took off towards one of the rendezvous spots appointed by Rouge. The 'Gold Grande Flicky Hotel'.

The two of you rounded a corner, jumping over zombots and avoiding surprise attacks from hidden places. You were no longer immune to these guys, with your helmet missing and your armor slightly on a lighter load, things were more dangerous. And from before, when that Zombot reformed almost instantly, the virus was getting stronger too-

"There!" Your eyes focused on a stacked car barricade, guarded by a giant golden statue of a flicky, pretending to spew water from its beak like an old roman fountain. Rouge was flying above waving her hands to get your attention.

Sonic sped by too fast, not noticing in time to slow down and accidentally went past the alleyway that directed you towards the hotel. "Oops!" He yelled, speeding back in the right direction while you assumed the lead. The alleyway was a trap, incredibly small but a fast shortcut. One person wide, you ran through, light slowly beginning to warm your face as you looked to see Rouge, her mouth agape as if yelling something-

A zombot leaped into the exit of the alleyway. You couldn't go backwards, only up or-

"Duck (Y/n!)" Sonic spin dashed the zombot, breezing over your head and throwing the creature back into the clearing, allowing you to escape safely.

"Good save Sonic!" You carried on, running even faster to the car barricade and parcouring over the sticking the landing in the defended zone.

"Are you ok (Y/n)." Rouge flew down to you and checked for any infection, you were thankfully clear and she patted your shoulders. "I saw the zombot but you couldn't hear me."

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