[24] I Thought It Was You

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You landed at HQ awhile ago, escorting families back together, reuniting some siblings, and having a little girl gossip with Olive. But now, Sonic and Cream asked to see you outside the control room. Olive headed inside, and you waited for the duo.

Cream was talking about snacks with a smile on her face despite the doom and gloom or the rest of the room. Another little brightness in the dark that she was, and she cut herself off mid sentence when she saw you, "(Y/n!)"

"Hey Cream," You waved to the girl and held her hand when she ran up to you, "How are you guys doing?"

Sonic stood close by, but was still careful not to touch anything. "Today was a close call, but I'm doing ok." The typically jumpy and charismatic hero took a deep breath and sighed at this time of rest, something he rarely got between dispatches and running off the infection. "I was on my way to tell Tails the same thing, and check up on his stuffs for finding a cure."

"I'll head over to, besides, I've got something for him back on the ship. I don't know if you saw it, but Shadow seriously ripped into Omega. I managed to grab his head with his core processors but that was it- Are you coming too Cream?"

The little rabbit shook her head. "I'm going to see if Miss Amy is ok. She's been stress a lot you know?"

"Oh yeah." You and Sonic agreed at the same time. You added that, "We'll check on her later too. I'm sure Amy would be happy to see her lover boy here."

"(Y/n), don't you dare start that." Sonic playfully punched your protected shoulder, careful to thank about it first before doing it. You chuckled back.

You brushed off your shoulder and put your hands back on your hips, "If I need to be the messenger of another relationship I will."


"Yeah, finally."

"Oh, good for her. But hey, let's get moving."

"Sure, I'll go grab O-"

"Already on it." Sonic had disappeared and reappeared with Omega's head in his hands, screaming in robot to be either put down or demanding to be fixed so he can continue your promised massacre of more Eggman badniks.


Cream waved goodbye and jumped into the control room, through the glass you saw Amy smile for a moment before being distracted with more callouts, two red dots on the screen- two ships that were missing...

Sonic noticed your disappointment in seeing that, and tried to pull you away from the tactical battles going on and towards a brighter area, Tails lab for the cure.

"By the way, Olive's 'friend' said that I was a part of a team now? Like an official one." You shrugged and looked at Sonic.

Sonic placed a hand on his chin, thinking, "Hmm, first I've heard of it but sounds awesome! Whose you're third?"

"Gante apparently. I had no idea he even wanted to be on a team."

Sonic huckled, "Something tells me the guy is protective over two strong girls, like a father you know? My dad and uncle were like that for me."

"I suppose?" You continued to walk, thinking about why Gante would want you and Olive over his squad. Unless he- oh no... You'd have to ask later. For now, you and Sonic made your way to Tail's lab. This time, the fox was working on a harness, knowing Omega would be here and wanted to be fixed as demanded.

"Tails, I've got him here." Sonic raised Omega over his head and the robot announced his anguish with more bickered static.
"Perfect, put him up here." Tails patted a spot on a wooden crate. The hedgehog placed the robot's head on its personal resting place and proceeded to turn to his buddy, but was met with yellow eyes instead.

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