[17] An Honest Report

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You were rapidly telling the awesome tale of your spy mission to your pilot, exaggerating hand motions in excitement as you looked back at your mission. "And then!- That weird henchman appeared and started talking about my past history, which kinda hurt but- I know he was just trying to deceive me."

"I heard a little bit over the radio. Dr. Starline right? I've heard the name go around a few times at HQ but-"

"Wait." You stopped Olive in her speech tracks. "You knew about Dr. Starline but didn't tell me?"

"I just assumed it was in your debrief report." Olive muttered as she refocused on her flying, evening out the speed of your ship as you got closer to infected territory and HQ. "He's an Eggman fanboy who likes to collect his old tech and watch the old man work on projects."

You sat back in your chair, leaning back sluggishly and a little lazy, you were a bit tired from all that, "Yeah-" You scoffed. "He seemed to be a fan of mine as well..."

"Oh how lovely." Olive replied sarcastically.

"He even asked me to join his side, Starline said something like-" You moved your arms up and pretend to mock Dr.Starline, 'you're someone who actually knows what they're doing' yatta yatta-"

"WHAT!?" Olive whipped back so fast she jerked the entire steering mechanism of the Endurance, sending you flying forwards into your seat at the sudden change of motion.

"OW!" You yelled, banging your head rather hard on the seat in front of you, as you hadn't put on a seat belt. Bad (Y/n). Wear Seatbelt. "Ugh- and yeah, he was actually nice about it, weirdly gentleman. Even, eugh... took my hands I thought he was about to like- propose or something..."

"Eww, that's kind of creepy." Olive redirected the ship's path downwards as you descended into HQ. You were back. Data drive in hand, you were ready to disembark the ship. When Olive set the bird down, you flew out of the hangar and towards the control room.
Amy and Rouge were anxiously waiting nearby, your ship on the hangar cameras as they expected your arrival.

When you walked in, Amy rushed up to you and with high energy, a rare sight right now, jumped for joy as she hugged you. "Oh (Y/n) You did amazing!"

"OoOoO ThHaNKk yOuu." You spoke between jumps, knocking your voice back and forth from the crazy embrace.

"Amy, calm yourself, we have a data drive to look into." Rouge was sitting on a counter with one leg kicked over the other in classic diva fashion.

"Ok, ok. " The pink hedgehog let go and stole the drive sight out of your hands. You looked at her with a shocked expression, but thankfully of course she was on your side and just wanted to see what data you stole.

She plugged it into her computer and the upload began... 1%... 2%...

"Oh, I suppose this may take a few minutes." Amy shrugged, thumbling her fingers in her hands impatiently.

"(Y/n), why not tell us what happened on your end?" Rouge gestured to you with one hand, using the other to keep herself leaned up on the desk counter.

"Oh boy, I've got quite the story." Before you began to tell your adventure tale for a second time, you frowned, remembering what you saw. Eggman and Dr.Starline had all the chaos emeralds. You kept that quiet as you told the story, as not to cause immediate panic in HQ.

You told them about how you got in, distracted the badniks, and then hide in the old Egg Keeper robot in order to sneak into the Faceship. Rouge's expression shone like bright stars at your brilliance, as she was a spy too. Almost as if she was watching a prodigy go on their first mission... which, actually may of been what she was thinking. You continued on, "But- then when I got to the control room of the Faceship- I meet face to face with Dr.Starline. I fought him for a little and then I- I saw a throne."

"A throne? I didn't know Eggman had THAT much of an ego.." Amy muttered, almost embarrassed that this guy was their enemy.

"It was more decorative- and. Amy, I'm so sorry but..." God, you had absolutely no idea how to tell the sweet girl this... "The throne?- it had all 7 chaos emeralds in its headboard."

. . . . .

The room was silent. It was only the three of you in there at the moment, as it was still early morning. Reminiscing in this horrible news like the infected had broken in and were searching. The room was silent...

"(Y/n)... i-is that true?" Rouge's fun expression turned to fear. She slid off the table and approached a frozen Amy who was still in shock.

"Yes... And Starline even asked me to join his side to overthrow Eggman. I thought about it, in order to steal the emeralds, but I couldn't- It wouldn't of worked." You held yourself, hugging your arms around your chest and looking down from your higher ups.

Rogue reached over to bring you closer, placing a hand on your shoulder and Amy's, "We appreciate the foresight (Y/n), it was a good plan... until now."

"I think we can still fix this." You looked to Amy who was still averting her gaze. Your hand reached over and gently brought her attention to the data drive.

98%... 99%... ... ... 100% INITIALIZING.

You smiled again at all the files that began to flood the screen. You stole A LOT. Files for the Faceship's design, Eggman Robots, Starline's File, Studies, even really old Omega series robots schematics. But the best of all was the most important of all.

Behold, on the massive hologram projector in HQ, was a complete diagnostic of the Metal Virus itself. A small, virus shaped robot with Eggman's insignia imbedded into it.

"This- this is perfect, Tails can use this to study the virus and help find the cure!" Amy perked up, her eyes scanning each and every file once again. She wasn't necessarily smiling again, but this was still a huge development.

The pink hedgehog hygge you once again, before allowing you to be dismissing. Rouge leaned over her shoulder to applaud your ingenious hidden pocket in the Egg Keeper one more time before nodding and adding, "That Dr.Statline was might nice to you you know."
'Rouge you dirty bat.' It took a moment and you realized what she meant. She was there too!? ROUGE. WAS. EVERYTHING. When Dr.Starline offered for your help, or when he took your hands? Oh geez- But of course she came along and you never noticed, a spy mission was what she was best at.

Slightly frustrated and flustered, you made your way out of the control room, shaking your head to get the thought out of your head. There was just- 'something' about that Dr.Starline. It was weird, and you didn't like it one bit.

Honestly, I got nothing to report.

Chapter Length @1180 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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