[16] Starline

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OC by @JamesBogleDX !!

"If it isn't the legendary (N/n)." He spoke your name slowly, a grin forming on his face. "Now this is a conqueror who knows what they're doing."

You growled at him, a deep roar escaping your throat, "I don't go by that anymore-" Your hand reached behind you to whip out your (w/c) in the event of more combat, "and it's (Y/n) now..."

'He didn't look like a fighter-'

"Very well, (Y/n), but your legacy will still live on." He threw a fist in the air, triumphant at praising your past crimes, and pronouncing your name in an uninterested manner, "But where are my manners little (m/s)... My name is Dr. Starline." He held out a hand, throwing it to the side and turning it into a bow as he continued to stand in front of the throne. "What brings the magnificent (Y/n) (N/n) aboard my ship? AND Don't bother lying, I know you were released by the Freedom Fighters. Let me guess..."

He pursed his lips (bill?) together and began to mock the heroes, "Goody-goody heroes promised you your freedom in order for your help?"

Still keeping your body on edge, and your silence was enough of an answer to him.

"That's too bad... A supervillain like yourself should be on our side! Conquering the world! You were so close last time weren't you? Where did that fire and spirit go?!"

'Geez-' This guy was an egotist for other people. The platypus, or Dr.Starline, began to make their way towards you. Meanwhile, badniks were swarming every wall in the control room. You couldn't let them catch you.

"I'm fighting for the world others want to live in- You seriously think I'd live in a world full of infection and steel?" You barked back. "Even if I was part of, whatever this is, I'd bail just like I did on Wolf. This isn't right."

Your memory flashed back, of you jumping out of the airship and escaping from Wolf... Blinking brought yourself back to the real world.

"But the enemy of my enemy should be my friend. I won't fight you, come on Miss (Y/n) (N/n), don't you see it?" Starline stepped forwards, being only slightly taller than you. "All you need to do is join me. We'll take over this operation a-"

"-and betray Eggman? I thought he was your hero."

Dr.Starline tilted his head, "So, you WERE eavesdropping on my little conversation. You know it's rude to- spy on people." He began circling you, the robots also taking a step closer.

"Ah (Y/n), tsk tsk tsk, you may be right, but as you've heard, I don't believe Eggman has a plan to control this metal virus." He spoke slowly, making a full circle before standing back in front of the throne... "And besides, don't- these intrigue you?" He took a step to the side, holding out his gloved hand to gesture to all the chaos emeralds in the stone sculpture.

His hand- it was the one with the special stone in it... You decided against questioning him about it for now- Your options raced through your mind... Be a double agent for the Freedom Fighters? Whatever your choice was, you would stay on the heroes' side. Like you said, who would want to be all powerful but live in a metallic, hellish wasteland.

Yet, you pretended to play along with his little game to give your data downloader more time.

"If you gain control, can you stop the virus?"

Starline nodded again, putting a hand behind his back and giving a small box of respect, "If that is what needs to be done, WE shall do it."

'We, hmm?...'

Your gaze shifted to the emeralds in the throne. "You have them all, all the chaos emeralds?"

Dr.Starline nodded, offering his hand to take you to them. That was actually rather unexpected- but even as a villain I suppose one can still be a gentleman. His other hand shooed away the robots. "Well of course, their energy seems to ward off the infected."

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