Route B - Cream and Gemerl

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Ya'll make me sad most people wanted this Route 😭

"I'll go help out Gemerl. Fighting alone would still give you a disadvantage. And- Sonic- you do know that the Deadly Six take over robots right?- It's kind of what they do."

"I– ouhhh- Yeah! Totally knew that. Gemerl would of been so fast she wouldn't have been able to realize in time?" Sonic shrugged his shoulders as he ran on the treadmill.

"It's ok Sonic." Amy assured the hero, who must have just been tired and not realized, "we got this under control."

Sonic shrugged with a smile on his face, "Then it's settled, let's get going before the Deadly Six have a chance to get stronger."


The crowd of heroes cheered, tossing their hands in the air as Eggman flipped on the portal generator, "I've got the adjustments with the portal apertures done. Now get out of here you pests."

Of course, everyone ignored Eggman's 'insult' and carried on towards. Tails raced towards Eggman and double checked the evil genius's measurements. With a thumbs up, the little fox stood back ready for his own departure, "I've got all the coordinates set! Here, stand in a line and I'll generate them right in front of you."

Both you and the robot nodded as the portal opened before you. Nothing caught your eyes until a green glow cast upon your faces as the portal began to spiral into view. With wide (e/c) eyes, you looked at the phenomena as if the magical green twisting time loop cast a spell.

"Good luck everyone. Wish I could come with you." Sonic, still running on the little treadmill, saluted each team as they began to jump through. Your teammate jumped through, leaving you to look at the blue hero and smile.

"We won't let you down Sonic."

"I know you won't (Y/n), now get out there and show those villains the hero you are!"

"How inspiring..." Eggman mumbled in the background, tinkering with Metal Sonic as he stood guard.

Gemerl stayed back, saying goodbye to Cream, the two hugging each other tightly. The robot looked down at the small girl, "This isn;t goodbye Cream. I will be back soon."

"And I'll make sure of that too." You game the girl a pat on the shoulders, kneeling down to her level. There were gentle tears in here rustic brown eyes as she looked to you.

"I know this isn't goodbye." she murmured...



Cream burst from Gemerl's grasp and bolted towards the portal. The robot let out an electric screech in surprise. You gasped as she flew towards the portal.


You and Gemerl jumped into the portal right after her with no regard for where it might spit you out...

. . . . .

You were now successfully in Sunset City. The portal had been suspended in the air which gave way for Cream to flop her ears like a strange pair of wings to get her onto the ground. Gemerl had his arms extended in attempt to catch her while you were left to the will of gravity.

"ACK!" You stared at the distant ground below, it was littered with zombots, all rather strangely lined up in a royal guard kind of way- Zeena, your target, must have already gotten them under control.

Trying to steady yourself in the air, you know Gemerl was going to disregard you and go after Cream anyways... Moving your arms, you managed to dive to the side towards a building, a tapestry along it's side advertising some perfume. Your claws dug into the fabric, slowing your fall. "Sorry- Frai-r del une?" You couldn't pronounce it, but it was something french.

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