[18] We Can Be Friends

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Banner OC/Request by @Flowypetalss !!


Hands curled in fists and firms at your side, you sat down in the cafeteria, munching on some much needed breakfast. Olive stopped by to deliver your usual uniform as you left it on a rack on the ship after Amy gave you the spy gear.

It was nice to feel warm, as the lighter layers of the uniform made the dank air of the old base you infiltrated cold to your fur. Your helmet was still nowhere to be seen unfortunately. You still missed it.

"Heard about the success (Y/n)!" A voice called behind you. Whipping around with a mouth full of (favorite breakfast food), your body seized up in embarrassment when you looked like this hungering ball of (f/c) fur, gouged with food. You were already about done with it.

You managed to swallow. "Hey Sonic, thanks. It went pretty well."

Yep, Sonic had walked in and was less shiny than before. He had probably just gone for a run. He was careful not to touch anything and stood at the end of the table, unable to sit down on the make-shift wooden seats, "I also heard about the emeralds. That's a problem."

"It is- and it honestly scared me when I first saw them all together in the wrong hands."

"Rightfully so. We'll get them back. I promise! We'll win this fight no problem." Classic Sonic- there was never a thought of defeat in that blue hedgehog's eyes. His confidence made you smile. "AND since you got that awesome data drive, we can get Tails more information for his cure."

"I think that's the part I'm most excited about. There's a complete diagnostic of the virus. It's coding make-up, etc." You took another bite of your meal, hopefully not disrespecting your conversation cause god- you were hungry.

"That's even better news!" Sonic cheered. "Hey, do you wanna go give him the drive?"

Your eyes widened, thinking about being face to face with the young fox again. As of the last time you two spoke, you weren't exactly on good terms. "I- thought Amy would give it to him."

"Aw come on, let's head over. Are you done eating?" He waved his hand for you to follow. And yes, you were done, and hopefully with Sonic nearby you and Tails could get on better paths.

Placing your tray in a dish buket, you followed the hero towards Tail's lab. A massive space with various machines, vehicles, and other marvels you were honestly excited to see.

On your way, you bumped into some familiar friends. The reptile duo, Vector in the lead as they headed in the direction of an exit.

"He- Vector? Where are you going?" You stopped and looked to your friends.

Vector stopped and waved to you, "We're going to find Charmy."

"WHAT!? Why? Not only is he dangerous but who knows where he could be." You yelled, confused at why the two would even think of going anywhere outside of HQ that wasn't a critical mission.

"Yeah, that's not a very good idea" Sonic agreed, stopping in the hallway as well.

"We can handle it." Espio gives you and Sonic a thumbs up, before ushering Vector to press on so they could get going.

You and your blue friend stood in the hallway, worried... Concerned, you spoke up, "Should we stop them?"

"We'll tell Amy- she'll figure them out." Sonic pushed back his quills and sighed, tapping a communicator and letting his friend know that, "Vector and Espio are training to leave to get Charmy back."

You could hear a sigh on the other side of the microphone, and Sonic nodded. "Amy's got it covered."

"We can only hope, those two are persistent." You nodded as well, and both continued towards Tail's lab. When the double doors opened, Tails had his back turned to the entryway and was working with something hot.

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