Chapter 1:

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I want you guys to get a little background of who Y/N Arreaga is. I'm 23 year old and I'm from Dallas, Texas. Im the older sister of Brandon Arreaga and Halie Arreaga. I'm Halie's twin sister, older by 2.5 hours. The bond we have is amazing. We're always together no matter what except when we go to school or activities or have arguments.

Growing up Halie and I never gone to the same school. Our parents thought it would be best if we went to different locations that way we don't switch classes and act like the other person. Which is weird since we're not identical twins but we really don't have a problem with. There's time were we become mad at each other and just don't want to see each other. But with Brandon, we basically share him. Every 2 or 3 years, he would get transferred back and forth until he moved to Los Ángeles to form a band. Halie and I are gonna do our last year of high school together so we can graduate together.

Anyways, kindergarten I meet a wonderful boy. His name is Corbyn Matthew Besson and ever since we meet we've been INSEPARABLE. We do projects together, we hangout, we help each other, we're very supportive of each other. Once we got to high school, they would always call each other lovers. We're the "elementary sweethearts" and everyone looked up to us.

We both never thought about each other as more than best friends. I mean there's been times were I want to kiss him but I hold back. I started to date Taylor Holder and many people in school thought I was cheating on Corbyn with Taylor but Corbyn was dating a YouTuber name Christina Marie Harris also known as Beautychickee. She knows about us being Bestfriends. She's honestly the best person ever. I'm so proud of him for finding someone like her. Anyways, today's Corbyn last day in Dallas before he leaves to form a band. I'm currently at the airport with him and his family saying goodbye *you guys are 17 years old*.

Y/N: promise to message me everyday
Corbyn: I promise
Y/N: don't get too LA on us
Corbyn: I won't
*tears started happening*
Corbyn: no don't cry
Y/N: well I am my bestfriend is making his dream happen
Corbyn: is it really that or because you're gonna be alone?
Y/N: that too
Corbyn: awww
*he pulled you in for a hug*
Corbyn: you'll make friends
Y/N: yeah but none is gonna stay up to watch the stars at night with me
Corbyn: how about this ...
*he pulls away & wipes your tears away*
Corbyn: we FaceTime each night and we'll watch the stars together
Y/N: promise?
*you hold out your pinky*
Corbyn: promise
*you both lock pinkies*
Ray: alright you should get going
Saskia: you're gonna miss your flight
Corbyn: okay
*he gets his suitcase*
Corbyn: bye guys
All: bye
Corbyn: love you guys
All: we love you too

4 years later.

I just finished with university for my master's degree in business. I'm currently on the plane to work for a record label in LA. The record label is Warner Record. It's the record label my brother Brandon works for.

yes B I'm getting on the plane

okay be safe

yes dad I'll be safe

*you flight got called*

look I have to go I'll see you later

okay let me know when you're about to land

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