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      I was roughly grabbed by the neck and thrown into the cliff side behind me. The air had escaped from my lungs from the impact. Pain pooled into my back, I knew that it was going to be one hell of a bruise. A warm liquid went into my eye, rendering it useless. I growled as I looked down at the enemy before me. He smirked as he kept his red eyes on me.

     "My, my miko. You are incredibly weak after mating." Naraku leaned in closer to me, inhaling my scent. "But that is to be expected, a rutting dog is never easy to manage."

     "What do you want Naraku?" I hissed as I tried to get his hand away from my throat.

     "The jewel of course and if I get you in the process, then all the better." He smirked as he glanced up at me. I cringed and a shiver of digust went down my spine.

      "You will get neither Naraku." I coughed ad he pushed a little harder onto my throat.

      "Oh, I will get one or another. I promise you that." He chuckled.

      Suddenly I saw a spinning top come at us at remarkable speed. It collided into Naraku, which made him let go of me, rather harshly but I was free. I rubbed my neck as I watch him fly across the field. The top spun in place for a moment before a white puff of smoke erupted my vision.

     "Momma!" Shippo screamed as he jumped into my arms. I embraced the little kitsune into my arms.

     "My baby!" I nuzzled him. "Thank you for saving me."

     "No problem momma." He smiled. Rin came running out of the forest and wrapped her arms around my waist. I pulled her closer to me, holding her tightly. "Where is daddy?"

     "He went hunting." I whispered. "We have to get out of here." I looked towards the direction Naraku vanished into.

     I grabbed my weapons that was in the entrance of the cave and then we ran. The children ran beside me as we tried to much distance in between us and Naraku. Suddenly I felt a familiar presence coming straight towards us. Sesshomaru bursted out of the trees and engulfed us into his arms. I sighed with relief in his arms.

     Without saying anything, I unsheathed my blade and turned around, away from Sesshomaru's arms. My blade came into contacted with Naraku's claws. As I pushed against him, the children clung to my lower body.

     As he pushed his yokai, I pushed my reiki. Our powers swirled and raged against each other. I clenched my jaw as I pushed harder against him. Naraku chuckled as he started to throw his weight into it. With my sore and tired body, I wasn't sure how long I could keep up.

     The completed jewel that hung around my neck started to grow warm. In the corner of my eye, I saw it started to glow and then it slowly rised. When it was in front of us, it flashed brightly, blinding me. Naraku's screamed in pain and I grunted as I felt the kids tightened their hold on me. Sesshomaru hissed.

     My body hovered in the air, the kids gasping from it. I blinked, trying to get the black dots out of my vision. I looked down to find the jewel hovering in front of me. Shippo, Rin and I hovered in this white space. Sesshomaru and Narake were no where in sight.

      "Momma, what's going on?" Rin asked me.

      "I don't know sweetie." I sheathed my blade and pulled my children in closer to me. "But don't let go of momma."

      They tightened their hold on me before we were thrown forwards. I wrapped my body around them in a protective manner but something happened. My body slowly started to morph into a giant black dog demon. Black fur started to sprout all over my body. My face lengthened into a snout and my teeth growing sharp. My nails turned into claws as my hands slowly reshaped into paws. My human ears faded away and two long black ears sprouted from on top of my head. A long black tail drooped down way passed my paws, slightly hanging down. I was still straightened up but if you looked at it, it looked like I was standing on my hind legs. I felt something form in the middle of my head, though I couldn't see it at all.

      My kids didn't notice it

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      My kids didn't notice it. I looked ahead and found a forest of some kind coming into sight. I wrapped my giant body around them before I was roughly thrown onto the ground. The air escaped my lungs when we landed and my body reverted back to its human shape.

     I tried to keep my eyes open but it wasn't happening. I looked down to my children who were unconscious in my arms before I lost consciousness myself.

**Well, here the prologue to this new book. Please tell me what you thought so far. Don't forget to:





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